Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The committee discusses the actions of technology to increase access and … Agency Brasilia – the Government of Brasilia

Managers of the government of Brasilia, participated, this Wednesday (8), meeting of the Governance Committee of Information and Communication Technology. Gathered in the Palace of Buriti, to the holders of various public bodies were brought to the proposals that the group developed since it was created in may 2016.

In a meeting of the Governance Committee of Information and Communication Technology, the governor Rollemberg asked celerity to the technicians to expand the networks of Wi-Fi and high-speed internet in schools.At the meeting of the Governance Committee of Information and Communication Technology, the governor Rollemberg asked celerity to the technicians to expand the networks of Wi-Fi and high-speed internet in schools. Photo: Tony Winston/Agency, Brasilia

Among the forwards are monitoring projects spending on information technology, the improvement in the process of documentation of systems, measures to facilitate the purchases and shared a primer to monitor the risks involved in the reception of software developed by third parties.

Another point addressed was the unification of an access canal to the integration of public services. "A system of quality technology prevents fraud and increases the quality of the services," defended the secretary of Planning, Budget and Management, Leany Lemos. The folder is responsible for the coordination of the group.

“We will closely monitor these actions (of technology), who can jump fantastic in education and in other areas of government” Rodrigo Rollemberg, the governor of Brasília

In the field of security, one of the goals is to unify the system of care of the Body of Firemen of the Military of the DF and the Service Mobile Emergency (Samu) by means of the monitoring of public roads of the DF for the video, aiming for integration between the Department of Highways of the Federal District (DER-DF) and the Traffic Department of the DF (Detran-DF).

The secretary added that the integration and intelligence about the information "will allow us to ensure faster responses to the population." The governor of Brasilia, Rodrigo Rollemberg, asked celerity to the technicians to expand the networks of Wi-Fi and high-speed internet in schools. "We will closely monitor these actions, that can give the heels fantastic in education and in other areas of the government."

in Addition to the specialists from each area, participated in the meeting of the secretaries of Public Safety and Social Peace, Márcia de Alencar; Education, Julius Gregory Son; Farm, João Antônio Fleury; the head of the Civil House, Sérgio Sampaio; the head of the Military House, colonel Cláudio Ribas; the assistant secretary of Science, Technology and Innovation, Marcelo Aguiar; and the controller-general of the DF, Henrique Ziller.

Edit: Vannildo Mendes


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