Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Fujitsu boosts security technology blockchain – Magazine BIT, computers for all.

The two innovations released by Fujitsu are a technology restriction transactions based on pre-defined policy to restrict negotiations and users, while the other, an encryption technology documents. This latter enables the use of only the relevant parts, which have multiple keys distributed, to securely access the information recorded on the blockchain.

One of the challenges of the blockchain is related to the safe execution of business, namely the management of the keys, but with the new technology of restriction of transactions of the company’s japanese factory, the operations that prevent the misuse or abuse of keys will become possible, increasing security.

Through the encryption of documents, "it is possible to create a workflow in which the documents are recognized by the collective decision-making, or between organizations in a specific, or even, in situations where the documents can be restored when the keys are lost," says the company.

The Fujitsu is thus intended to contribute to the expansion of applicable fields where blockchain can be used, which includes several areas, such as finance, logistics, supply chain and management of official documents.

The research center is in tests on the applicability of the blockchain and want to commercialize the technologies are still during the year of 2017.


Opinion | CEO, CIO and integrator of technology together in the direction of the … – the Journal BIT, computers for all.

The trend for the near future is that the technology to boost the growth of companies and promote changes in its segments of operation. According to a survey by Gartner of over 400 CEO’s and senior executives, only 7% of respondents believe that the segment in which they work will remain very similar to the current one during the next three years. Meanwhile, 84 percent believe that the change will be moderate or significant, and 9% believe that in three years will be to operate in a industry almost unrecognizable compared with today.

in This context, the CEO needs to increase the relevance of IT within the business. Most of these executives have already realized that the digital transformation is inevitable and that it is better to act as agents of change than being hit by a new reality in the not too distant future, and they do not have time to react.

However, this is not an easy task. The CEO needs a right arm to help the company to transform and keep track of the digital world – the CIO. While the CEO shall prioritize the technology as a fundamental tool for the growth of the company, the CIO will be exercised in a consultative, understanding the business needs and contributing strategically with new solutions.

This alignment, however, account with an obstacle. The great challenge for the CIO and his team is to get out of the operational needs of the technology of the day-to-day and be closer to the CEO and the business. Understand the challenges of the company and propose innovative solutions that add value to business requires time and knowledge of new technologies, spending for cloud, IoT, Big Data, Security, Hiperconvergência, among others.

it is Thus crucial to have technology partners that are able to take care of the operational needs of the executive IT. Thus, the assembler can help on two fronts. The first is take parts or the whole of the IT operation solutions and services proactive in improving processes and free the team to act on issues that are more strategic. And the second way is to support the CIO in the search and installation of the ideal solutions leading the organization digital transformation. Not simply just offer a hardware or a software, but it is essential that the assembler be able to visualize what the business needs and which set of technology and services will be best for each market segment. The only way for the CIO to be able to focus on a more comprehensive view of the business in conjunction with the CEO.


Monday, January 30, 2017

Fujitsu develops security technology for blockchain – Computerworld

The Fujitsu Laboratories, research center of Fujitsu, and the Fujitsu Laboratories of America announces the development of security technologies blockchain to protect sensitive data between multiple organizations. The solutions should be marketed still this year.

To enhance and apply the blockchain in various segments of the market, Fujitsu has developed two technologies: the first is a technology restriction transactions based on pre-defined policy to restrict the negotiations, as well as users. The second technology is the encryption of documents which allows the use of only the relevant parts — that hold multiple keys distributed to secure access to the information recorded in the blockchain.

The characteristic most relevant to the blockchain is to provide the sharing of information with high transparency and reliability, without management by a specific organization. However, in applications of the trading financial, for example, there are operational issues related to the safe execution of business, such as key management. In addition, the application of management documents that preserve the original state of the materials lead to some problems in the creation of a system, which could limit what people would be allowed to make reference to the recorded information in the blockchain.

With the new technology of restriction of transactions, the operations that prevent the misuse or abuse of keys will become possible, allowing the safe use of the blockchain, says the company. Already with the technology of encryption of documents, it is possible to create a workflow in which the documents are recognized by the collective decision-making or between organizations as specified, or, in situations where the documents can be restored when the keys are lost.

from these new security technologies, Fujitsu says that you can contribute with the expansion of applicable fields where blockchain can be used, which includes several areas, such as finance, logistics, supply chain and management of official documents. Fujitsu Laboratories is conducting tests on the applicability of the blockchain with the goal of commercializing the technologies from the fiscal year 2017.


A real the Trump(the) to the technology – Exame Informática

There is a whole world that separates Obama from Trump. As I’ve written in the Express Journal, Obama was the first to elect a CTO (Chief Technology Offcer), and a CDS (Chief Data Scientist) to the White House, promoted the teaching of STEM (Science, Technology, Engenieering, Mathematics) in the schools; he spoke about the importance of Big Data (analysis of large amounts of data); created the National Science and Technology Council, which produced work in the areas of environmental, sustainability and, for example, on national security; used the social networks to promote causes; and, among hundreds of other examples, until he confessed to Wired magazine to be a trekkie (fan of the TV series Star Trek).

CLICK HERE to continue reading this article, which is part of the Exame Informática Weekly.


Glove electronics allows you to pick up objects up to 40 pounds without doing … – Diário de Notícias – Lisbon

Portuguese Company has developed a solution to restore the function of the hand for the elderly and people with pain or lack of strength

A ‘startup’ of the Port has developed a glove electronics which allows people with problems in the muscles and joints of the hand to pick up heavy objects, that can reach up to 40 kilos, with the hand “relaxed” and without force.

This technological solution, “safe” and “light”, uses textile, thin, breathable, flexible, smart and customizable, and enables you to return hand function for people with pain or lack of strength, said to Lusa the responsible for the project, Philip Quinaz.

the solution to The ‘startup’ KEPT is based, mainly, “in components of low energy consumption, designed to deal with the support of heavy weight, keeping sensitivity to the touch and a relationship is not intrusive with the body.”

THE KEPT, that account currently, with seven elements in the areas of engineering and Computer science, Mechanical, Electromechanical and Bioengineering, and a professional in the industry, is integrated in the Science and Technology Park of University of Porto (UPTEC).

according To the entrepreneur, one of the main uses is in the medical area, being the product, in this case, oriented to the elderly or have arthritis and patients who have had a cerebral vascular accident (STROKE).

The system also allows monitoring the holistic function of the hand, in real time, and the treatment plans of the subsequent streamline the way patient data are “collected, accessed, shared, and learned” by health professionals, he added.

Another focus is the sector that encompasses activities demanding (workers on assembly lines or in construction, for example), can the glove be used to increase the comfort, safety and productivity of these professionals.

According to Philip Quinaz, this is the market that the team provides to enter with more ease due to the greater simplicity of certification and the fact that, for the case of companies, they have a sales process more simple and buy the product in greater amount.

The technology is equipped with crawl components that collect data, such as the strength used, the stability, mobility, among others, and shares them with users and health professionals, they can verify if you are using a lot of strength, lifting too much weight, if you are with the hand in a position that is ergonomically wrong or if the exercise plan is executed in the best manner.

According to the young, the idea for the creation of the technology came when he broke his hand and was “completely limited”. From the point of view of muscle, “even after the bone has recovered”, you are left with an injury, and it took “tons of time” to get back the functionality of all of the member.

During this period, in which was finishing a phd in Biomedicine at the University of Beira Interior, noticed that a “simple reduction” of the strength of the hand has “very serious consequences” and, with the help of two teachers, decided to create a prototype of what would be, in the future, this solution and to participate in the contest technology Microsoft Imagine Cup.

With the idea, already patented, the next step was to form a team and make a functional prototype, having won the european version of the same contest and, in August 2014, reached the final of the Microsoft Imagine Cup worldwide, where were only selected ten teams around the world.

Participated in the StartupBraga, having, in January 2015, created the company. At that time, the product began to be developed with Portuguese partners, and in the latter year, to perform tests that allow for the industrialization.

The company is also represented in the United States, in an acceleration program called UTEN, the University of Texas, and scheduled for 2017 the beginning of the activity in London, England.

in addition, have been invited to be one of the ten companies-the flag of the Entiq, a platform for innovation which will open in London.

Has as partners the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Management (INEGI), Porto, the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory (INL), Braga, the Technological Centre of Textile and Clothing from Portugal (CITEVE), the Centre of Nanotechnology and Technical, Functional, and Smart (CeNTI), the University of Beira Interior, Microsoft and StartupBraga.


Spain. Barcelona ties in Seville and asks technology goal – Jornal i (Registration)

Barcelona have not managed better than a draw in Seville, in front of the Bétis (1-1), and risk to see the leader Real Madrid to increase the distance in the front – play this Sunday at home, with Real Sociedad: if you win, is with four points advantage, and still with a game in hand.

The match, however, was marked by a bid-laden polemic: the age of 78 minutes, already when the Bétis was leading the marker, a shot from Luis Suárez was cut clearly beyond the goal line… but the referee ordered the following.

Thus, the marker remained 1-0 thanks to a goal from Alex Alegría, after corner, up to the minute 74. And only already in the discounts that the blaugrana have managed to rescue a point, with Suarez this time to shoot the count. And there was still time for another goal from the uruguayan, void, this is made by hand on the ball. André Gomes was released in the 59th minute.

At the end of the meeting, Luis Enrique, coach of Barca, he asked “help for the referees”, manifesting itself in favor of the implementation of the technology of goal in Spanish football. “I saw a photo. My speech is the same as always: the referees need help. They need cameras or something to help them. I say this much in bids that harm us as in the bids that we benefit from,” said the technician.


Sunday, January 29, 2017

Technology giant against as Trump. “Apple is not … – Renaissance (press release)

The leader of Apple, Tim Cook, is against the order of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, to prohibit the entry into the country of refugees and citizens of seven muslim-majority countries.

"we do Not support this policy," said Tim Cook in a message sent to all employees of an american multinational.

Tim Cook stresses that "Apple would not exist without immigration". Referred to the company’s founder, the late Steve Jobs, who was the son of immigrants syrians.

The technology industry in north american has hundreds of employees and contractors who have been hit by the restriction of the Trump.

Besides Apple, also Microsoft, Facebook and Google have already expressed their opposition to the measure.

The President of the United States, signed on Friday a decree that prevents the entry into the United States natural seven muslim-majority countries – Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Syria, Sudan, even with documents in day, with refugee status or visa of entry into the country.


Saturday, January 28, 2017

Banks invest in mobile technology to boost … – Istoe

With the economy in recession, banks are investing in the technology and in the reduction of interest rates to try to entice consumers who want to purchase a new vehicle and half-new.

Affected by the economic crisis, the sale of cars zero kilometer in 2016 was falling by more than 20% in comparison with the previous year, the worst result since ten years. Already sales of cars half-new the result was not negative, and accumulated a slight increase of 0.21% in comparison with 2015.

In an attempt to reverse this scenario, this week the Bank of Brazil announced a reduction in the interest rate for the auto financing for the customer who do the hiring through the application of the bank for cellular. Another change is that the financing for the purchase of light vehicles with up to two years of manufacture will have the same rates used for the financing of new vehicles.

The expectation of the state-owned bank is to reach R$ 1 billion in this type of loan until the end of the year. "We expect the expansion of credit by means of the convenience that the app provides," he said to the Agency Brazil the principal of Loans, Financing and real Estate Credit from the BB, Edson Pascoal Cardozo.

"In our view, and the studies that we did, [the app] helps a lot because the client has more security in the purchase decision. One client who goes out to search the car and, eventually, think finance, has in the platform and with a few touches of the information of a credit pre-approved to use, he added.

According to the Cardozo, by the application, the customer can make the simulation of the amount of months of the financing and the value of the parcel, for example. "Before, he would have to sit down with a financial agent, and would take more. In 80% of cases the answer has already come out in time. He concluded the proposal and the area in charge already makes the payment to the seller," he said.

The Santander Bank also invests in technology and practicality to enlarge the volume of loans to the sector. "We worked A lot in relation to the customer experience at the point-of-sale and came to the conclusion that he could use the digital tools to improve the shopping experience," said the director of finance, André Novaes.

In the case of Santander, are the dealers and resellers that registered for that use the tool. "If the customer wants a car of R$ 30 thousand, for example, with very little data provided it is possible to already make a pre-analysis of the credit of it. It is possible to give the answer by filling in a few fields. Before, this experience dependida completing 106 customer data. Now, with eight you can already make a pre-analysis," explains Novaes.

"It’s a process greatly simplified: the seller collects the documents of the client in digital form," he added. According to the director of Santander, prior to purchase, consumers have many questions in relation to the availability or not of credit and the use of the application makes this clear.

"He wastes no time in point of sale and the seller also does not lose time. It is a direct dialogue with the client for it to know how is the potential of it to achieve your dream. Before, the process was very bureaucratic and, in some way, inhibited the client at the time of purchase," he argued.

For the president of the Association of the Agencies of Automobiles in the Federal District, Paulo Poli, simplifying the release of the credit facilitates sales and is good for the customer, to financial institutions and resellers.

"Is modernity coming in. Are new means of facilitating the life of who is buying the car and, automatically, this makes it easier for our sale," said Poly. "Everything that comes to speed, make the process more easy, more light becomes more of an item for sale."


Technology and innovation, attract young people in the Caravan of Jaciara – Folhamax (press release)

The Caravan of Transformation is health, citizenship and science, technology and innovation. Games, drones, virtual-reality goggles and robotics sharpen the curiosity of children, young people and adults who pass by the edition of Jaciara. The goal has been reached: to popularize science and to wake up in the new generation the taste for technology, innovation and entrepreneurship.

Conducted by the State Secretary of Science, Technology and Innovation (Secitec) in partnership with the Institute Young Entrepreneur, the project leads to the Caravan and also to the schools of the public network of teaching lectures on entrepreneurship and using technology to undertake. In parallel are carried out in workshops, such as pilot drones and robotics.

There is also the virtual reality goggles, one of the equipment that draws the attention of the public passing by the tent of the Secitec in the Caravan. This is a great "glasses" with a cell phone attached internally. By means of the equipment, are produced visual and sound effects which allow the immersion of the user in this virtual environment.

21-year-old Suellen Ribeiro had never seen this technology up close. With a suspicious eyes, first observed other people using the unit before "risking". And she repented not. "It is a reality, it seems that you are inside. It gives cold in the belly", he described.

Coordinator of popularization of science of the Secitec, Lectícia Figueiredo explained that the project is part of a larger program of the folder, which is to stimulate in young people the taste for science and to encourage them to participate in the fairs held by schools and even the National Week of Science and Technology, an event that happens every year in almost all states, including Mato Grosso. "It is also a way to encourage entrepreneurship in this area," he stressed.

The brothers, David, 07, and Michael Golden, 04, loved the equipment. After observing several children of the same age enjoying the technology, they were eager to know the such glasses. It was sure to be fun. To the father, Evander Gold, 36 years old, the opportunity to have contact with high-tech equipment only has to add in the lives of children. "Technology is our future and this type of action stimulates the taste for this area, the creativity, the curiosity. It’s great".

The partnership between Secitec and the Institute of the Young Entrepreneur reached 30 thousand children and young people only in 2016. Were workshops, workshops, lectures, and other activities to encourage attitudes of entrepreneurs. This Friday (27.01), for example, the Caravan of the Transformation has received the talk show "Entrepreneurship and technology that transforms and teaches to turn $ 10 dollars into 100 dollars".

Course distance LEARNING

During the Caravan of the Transformation of Jaciara the Secitec also performs pre-registration to interested parties in the course of Computer Operator, in the formed Distance Education. The course is part of a project of transfer of knowledge and technology, a result of the partnership between the Federal University of Mato Grosso (UFMT) and the Government of the State.

The course is free, 100% via the internet and the student makes his own time, or study time that is available, and where you are, you just need to have access to a computer connected to the internet. The certificate is issued by the UFMT and the content is considered a benchmark in the state.


#Relations. How technology killed the love – Express

In one of the scenes from the movie "A Brilliant Mind", the mathematician John Nash (played by Russell Crowe) is at the bar with four colleagues when they come in five young women. The balance is perfect. The problem? They all want the same girl, a captivating blonde with the green eyes. The friends of Nash cite Adam Smith, the father of modern Economics. "In competition, individual ambitions serve the common good." Nash is hesitant, does not seem convinced. "Adam Smith must be revised. If we are all behind the blonde, we will block us, none of us will be able to conquer it. After, we will have with her friends and they will turn around-in the back, because no one likes to be a second option." The mathematician proposes another approach. "But if no one if you do the blonde? Not in the atropelamos and we do not insult the other women. It is the only way for us to win. It is the only way we all have sex." The theory of Adam Smith was incomplete. "The best outcome for the group occurs when each party does what is best for you. And to the group," he explains.

The "Balance Nash" was formulated in the 50′s of the last century, and earned him a Nobel prize in Economics, but it would be necessary to revise the theory in order to apply it to relationships of today. Much the fault of social networks, we’ve never had so many opportunities to be happy: the woman who always admirámos is at the distance of a message on Facebook, love can be born a ‘match’ on Tinder, the trailer has invaded up to Linkedin, a network of professional contacts… The possibilities are proliferating as never and, however, simply speak with single people to realize that there it was not easy to find who if you are looking for.

with so much abundance of choices, we block. We have become more demanding, more undecided, more frustrated, always looking for something better. And also more impatient: we ship someone evil comes the grit in the gear, with the same ease with which we close a window on Facebook and opened another. "Hello, what are you doing this evening?" Some, more daring, you may wear the skin of the Henry Chinaski of the "Women" Bukowski: "Bora fuck?"

The psychologist Barry Schwartz called "the paradox of choice’: that freedom of choice does not make us more free or more happy, before increases our dissatisfaction. Always eager to find something better, we become experts in the inability to take our decisions. Give steps in front. Of risk. Almost need an Excel spreadsheet to remind us of the data of all the people that we met on Tinder or Facebook, but rarely seek to truly know someone.

This paradox is not only in love. How to explain that, in an era in which the sex is as accessible as a burger from Mcdonald’s, young adults engage in less than the generations that preceded them, as they point to various studies? We are so busy accumulating ‘matches’ on Tinder, or to jump from the window in the window on Facebook, or share photos and videos with dot red on WhatsApp, that we forget that there is a world out there. We have so many opportunities to be happy, for a night or for a life, and boicotamo us. We do not learn anything with Nash.


‘Fighter environmental’ program ‘The operatives’ participates in the … – Globo.com

The conservationist new zealander Pete Bethune will participate in the Campus Party 2017 next Thursday (2) to talk about the technologies that can help in fighting the fishermen and illegal hunters.

This year, the event technology, science, and nerd culture will take place between 31 January and 5 February, again at the Anhembi Exhibition Pavilion, in São Paulo, brazil.

Star of the reality show "The operatives", that tracks the activities of your team of ex-military and environmental specialists in the investigation of illegal activities that destroy the planet, Bethune has long-standing experience in the area of preservation.

in Addition to beat the world record time back to the world with a boat, to show that the biofuel is a viable alternative, the new zealander, 51 years faced several whaling ships japanese. His vessel, the Ady Gil, was sunk during a confrontation with one of them.

When approaching the boat the japanese and try a civil imprisonment against the captain, was arrested and eventually tried by the Justice of the country, being deported back to New Zealand.

In the event of the technology, he will show some of the technologies that can help governments and other organizations to fight illegal activities against the environment, such as drones, air and ocean, satellite images and thermal, night vision and Geographical Information System.

Campus Party 2017
When: from 31 January to 5 February 2017
Where: the Exhibition Pavilion Anhembi – Avenida Olavo Fontoura, 1209, Sao Paulo, SP, brazil
Inputs: R$ 240 (click here)


Friday, January 27, 2017

Interview: Samsung explains the cutting edge technology of the new TVs … – Tecmundo

During CES 2017, we show over a little of the new tvs from Samsung with technology, QLED, which promise to be the pinnacle of technology in the displays in 2017. Despite still being a little ways away from release (should arrive near the middle of the year in Brazil), we spoke with representatives of Samsung to know a little more about the new appliances.

In conversation with João Rezende, executive director of the brand in Brazil, we had a little more detail of the models Q8 and Q9, which are both found in the CES this year. The representative told us about the new technology, QLED, the features of the One Connect and the new design of the TVs. Check out:

QLED is the future of tvs?

When you talk about tvs current models that most stand out are two: models with OLED screens and products with technology of quantum dots. The QLED is an evolution of the models in 2016 from Samsung, bringing much more color fidelity, brightness, and contrast, in addition to enhanced features, such as the HDR.

To explain it in a way raw and summarized: the technology QLED transmits images in a way insanely close to reality. Ok, it seems the phrase of the slogan of all the appliances of the past two decades, but why this time is different? The large balcony is the brightness of the display, which is very high.

The high brightness is one of the great balconies of the QLED

If you have an LCD TV or even LED, you should have noticed: if the brightness is too high, the image gets "washed out", is not the same? It is completely off, compromising the final quality. Good, this is what the models Q8 and Q9 stand out. To give an example of comparison: TVs OLED, ultra high performance reach only 600 nits (nits is the measurement of brightness), while the Q8 has 1.5 thousand nits, and the Q9 has 2 thousand nits.

The high brightness is particularly good for other features of the TV, such as the HDR

In other words: the color fidelity is maintained even with brightness levels very high. Whether in bright environments or on dark, the images are stunning. In the example below, you see to the right a television QLED and a conventional side-by-side. João Rezende mentioned that during the CES 2017, a camera 4K filming everything and transmitted in real time to two TVs: a QLED and the other conventional, and the device with the new technology seemed to be a window so vivid.

The model with QLED is on the right

The Samsung want to bet on that technology also for the durability of the quantum dots. John explains that, although the OLED to have a good quality (and black levels very good), this is a device that relies on a organic component that, with time, will be degrading and losing quality. On the other hand, the consumers exchange the TV every five or six years (sometimes more), something that does not fit the products with QLED.

The screens OLEDs are good for the mobile, in which the display is a long time off, but not to display larger

A control for all control

One of the interesting features of the new models presented at CES 2017 is the possibility of controlling everything that is connected to the TV with a single control. Some tvs of the Samsung 2016 already had the feature, called One Connect, to connect all video inputs into a single HUB.

Now, this connector is generally connected to the device by a fiber optic cable, bringing even more speed of data transmission. The One Connect automatically detects which type of device is the HDMI port, such as set-top boxes for cable TV, video games, Home Theaters and much more, and renames the input according to each one, all done automatically.

The best part is that you can leave the HUB and all other devices hidden in your living room, since the control only of the account of everything. In other words, they can stay up in another room or inside a drawer, for example, without cables passing out or requiring that you hide behind the panel of the TV, for example.

connectivity smart is something that Samsung also wants to focus (since the 3D is a technology that is dying). The televisions will come equipped with the operating system Tizen, and a number of shortcuts in the interface, such as on Netflix, that in three clicks able to return to the last content you were watching. In addition, various apps and content on smartphones and tablets can be shared on the TV through an application.

One Connect

Design in essence

The above is directly associated with the design of the device, which is one of the highlights that Samsung wants to give the models Q8 and Q9. As we showed at the time of the CES, are devices extremely thin (so thin as mobile phones). And this is not by chance, that is, to show that it is possible to fine-tune the tvs.

The major purpose here is to implement the "zero gap", or in easier explanation, make the gap in between the wall bracket and the TV is almost nil, giving an aspect of a living picture to the environment in which it is located. If you choose, it is also possible to place the TV on a stand that resembles the canvas of a painting, making it more an analogy to the "work of art".

Both of the tvs come with the infinity edge, nomenclature for thin edges and give the impression of not having the frame some. The version Q8 has a screen corner, everything to make the device even more attractive to the eyes (and we’re not talking about images).

Ok, but how much goes out the joke?

Truth be told, probably these TVs (Q8 and Q9) are not for me or for the greater part of the brazilian consumers. With so many features, cutting-edge design and new technologies, the products are directed to the class A. that is, wait for prices much high. For now, the devices still do not have dates to get to Brazil, but is estimated to be in the middle of the year.

And how are people like me, who will not have the purchasing power for that type of device? The great advantage of the new rows arrive on the market is that part of the new technologies has a process of cascading, that is, they are batting for the intervening lines, and even entries.

Probably, the models will be as well expensive, but part of that technology should be leveraged in the company’s other products

During the chat I had with João Rezende, the executive said that it is likely that various features of the line QLED reach out to the other tvs in 2017. But don’t be sad: if your dream of consumption is a TV with the new feature of image, it is quite possible that models of this style to become cheaper in the future, because Samsung really believes that is the next trend when the subject is flat.


Lexus IS gets to 3.Th generation with a lot of technology to the mix – GQ Portugal (press release) (Registration)

This Friday, Lexus gave continuity to his model of the most successful in Europe, and presented the third generation of the IS.

The model "S", Lexus, is the first car brand to be designed according to the preferences of the european market, and earns its third generation with improvements at the level of the carrier, and not only. Starting from the inside to the outside, there is now a screen 10.3 inch on the inside with the system Lexus Premium, and even technologies such as the blind spot Monitor and Traffic Alert Cross on the Back, that alert the driver about potential hazards that may go unrecognized.

the interior of The Lexus came from the head of Naoki Kobayashi, that before starting the work went on travels around the world looking for inspirations.

"Among the new design elements include a more prominent grille trapezoidal, the lateral line ascending more evident and LED lighting to remember articles of jewellery, which combine to give rise to IS the most distinguished that has ever built", explains the engineer-in-chief and leader of the team designers.

this Being the model of the Lexus sold in Portugal, the new IS will come to the country only with a hybrid engine (IS300h), which combines a V4 engine of 2.5 liters with an electric motor. In addition, the power consumption of the Lexus benefits from the "Lexus Hybrid Drive", it reduces emissions and fuel consumption with values around 4.3 litres/100 km.

"The changes in the IS to go beyond the simple cosmetic, demonstrating commitment to achieving the best dynamic performance possible, alongside the refinement of the refined style and an interior that reflects the whole that is the quality craftsmanship of master craftsmen, superb comfort and functionality rooted in carefully defined concept of Man-Machine-interface", refers to the Lexus in a statement.

The new Lexus IS has a price of sale to the public starting at 43.7 thousand euros.


Technology goal line ‘dictates’ goal for Moreirense – Record

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The brave new world at the intersection of Law and technology – business Newspaper (press release)

PLMJ will organize a cycle of ten lectures on the crossroads of Law and technology. In an interview to the business Newspaper, Manuel Lopes Rocha and Pedro Lomba have the initiative.

throughout the year, PLMJ will organize a cycle of ten lectures on the crossroads of Law and technology, in which they will be discussed topics such as the new legal pluralism. The panels have the presence of magistrates, lawyers, academics and figures in media.

The main question that a client makes to a lawyer is probably the following: "What chance do I have?". Happy the office and the citizens that have knowledge of the instrument that will make it possible to track decisions and to know in percentage what are the chances and the compensation that the court shall determine. Or not? This is one of the discussions that will take place in the colloquia Entitled Mega Wave.

Manuel Lopes Rocha, the coordinator of the team of Intellectual Property at PLMJ, has been working for 30 years on these matters, and that "the Internet and networks have swallowed whole the system", and that issues of justice become technological. The partner from PLMJ believes that "the Right jumped out of the codes", as they are to arise, new ways to exercise that are not stipulated in the laws, such as the soft law and codes of ethics or of conduct about cookies.

The debate also settled in France, after the promulgation of the "loi numérique," which will require that all decisions of the courts are online. The standard proposed by the secretary of State Axelle Lemaire has raised questions about privacy and, in the perspective of the lawyer, is connected to the business of justice anticipatory, that sooner or later will come to Portugal.

"companies are creating algorithms that go behind these sentences, which will allow to sell services that anticipate the decision. Our righteousness is not much different from the French and is going to get here," said the partner, ensuring that the mission of the PLMJ is to put the subject of the debate. The 23 of march I will talk about this merger of the world robotic and Artificial Intelligence to the courts, and law firms. Asked about the existence of trainings and courses in this sense, Manuel Lopes Rocha says that "the Order of Lawyers is completely to the east" and that the Ministry of Justice has no comments on the theme. "When the house is burning, will treat" quips.

In the same optic, Pedro Lomba, consultant at PLMJ, ensures that if you had to identify an area which will mark a part of the development of the Law in the next few years I would not hesitate to talk about this intersection between Law and technology. The former Deputy secretary of State warns that in the Health sector there have been developments in the field of treatment of clinical data, and that "it is very easy for someone to have a fascination with the technology."

The idea came up in conversation between the two friends and colleagues, who did not rule out the hypothesis of continuing the meetings for the year. The cycle of conferences "Right Mega Wave" began on Thursday, January 26, and runs throughout 2017 in the auditorium of the PLMJ, in Lisbon, and in the Library of the Serralves Foundation, in Porto. The entrance is free of charge, upon prior registration.


Beautiful Discounts in Technology until the 26th of January!!! – 4gnews (Blog)

enjoy discounts on your favorite pieces of equipment? Of course that you like. After all, who likes losing the opportunity to pay less for top technology? Well, the Fnac is with fantastic discounts in technology that go up to 50%! Yes, 50%, is not deception. So let’s list some of the best discounts that you can find in th e next few days in the Fnac stores.

the Tops of the Range Android:

you are a long time there are looking for the best deal for a top of the range Android, of those filling the eye? This may be the best opportunity to acquire one. The Samsung Galaxy S7 will get a nice cut in the price in these three days to the Fnac!

Not all are fans of Samsung, despite its indiscutivel quality, so that also the Sony Xperia Z5 Premium will be in the next few days with a drastic cut in its price, falling from 859,99€ for only 499,99€! Also the Xperia Z5 and Xperia X will be its price as well reduced, so we strongly advise you to take a look in the Fnac has to offer down here:

Of that up here did you see anything you like? Do not be afraid. The Moto Z is also with a nice discount! And it seems that this is not the only smartphone with modular technology will suffer a downgrade in price, with its rival LG G5 to compete in this struggle the best discounts!

Range-Average Android:

we turn now to a category that everyone loves. Smartphone that, despite its price, do not compromise in performance and design. A high price does not always mean the best for the wallet of each one, so that, especially with the discounts, these devices are always quite attractive, and the line of the range-mean Samsung is the first to enter the list of desirable range-average!

do Not forget about the unmistakable BQ, brand that has grown immensely in the market with smartphones of quality that promise to please any one!

To complete the list of range-average, nothing better than to take a look at the smartphones of Honor, Alcatel, and even the LG G4 that today will be an excellent alternative to expensive devices, with no compromise in performance.

Android less than 200€

The line 'J' of Samsung is revealed to be a great choice among the smartphones far more modest, featuring as the input range of the brand’s south Korean.

THE BQ Aquaris U Plus is a device that we like so much, and the our analysis to the device speaks for itself.

Other devices interesting less than 200 euros that will be certainly great options for those who opt for the same:

Notebook Computers

what would we be without our personal computer? Today no one can live without your companion of work and/or leisure. To think of it, the Fnac offers the best discounts on notebook computers and you’ll find. Starting with the all powerful MacBook Pro, you’ll be pleased to see that the Fnac reservation for these days:

Also the more light and compact MacBook Air are with discounts, these being excellent for multimedia consumption and battery to last for over 10 hours!

If you prefer Windows, there are also discounts to think of it, with some computers as well interesting for attractive prices:


These are, without a doubt, fantastic days to purchase a tablet in the Fnac. If you have always wanted to buy a Surface Pro 4, but its price has not inspired you to purchase, this is the best time to acquire one that may be currently the best tablet to replace your laptop:

The Apple iPad also have the right to discount, by the foodies of the north american brand will certainly give a look at these fantastic discounts:

Other tablets with excellent discounts that will make the delights of the public also deserves our highlight!

Remember, you have only until the 26th of January to take advantage of these fine discounts Fnac, and we hope that our list of the highlights you helped to find the technology that the more you want, for the price and more enjoyable.

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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Fair discusses the best ways to use technology to encourage … – EBC

Kiishaan, 6 years, was one of ten students who raised hand to speak about the program to the literacy in English Literacy Planet. “I develop the various activities and learn a lot.” Then pointed to the wall of the classroom, where his name was recorded inside of a star, showing that he got the best performance of the class in the week. Kiishaan study by the computer early on and is an example of how, when used well, new technologies can help in learning.

a year Ago, Guru Gobind Singh Khalsa (GGSK College, London, uses the program in the early grades to help teachers and students in literacy. About 70% of the school students are immigrants or children of immigrants and have English as a second language. It is a private school low-cost, with rates four times smaller than the other schools. With 375 students, the unit is among the three with the best performance in the national assessments in the region.

The family of Kiishaan is from Sri Lanka. At home, he has the opportunity to train what is taught in the classroom. The program offers challenges and exercises that can be accompanied by their parents and teachers. There are exercises of pronunciation and writing. The program allows students to proceed at different paces, always guided by a teacher.

“In the classroom, the Literacy Planet is only used in specific situations and in group activities. The intention is that the students do the exercises at home. It is a fun way, they like,” says Susan Atwal, co-ordinator of the primary school, a stage that serves students from 5 to 11 years. The program, developed by the australian company of the same name, costs the school 4,50 pounds per year per student – about$ 18.

the visit to The GGSK College was part of the parallel programming especially for the brazilian delegation that was to visit the British Educational Training and Technology (BETT) Show in London. This year, the programming began yesterday (25) and goes until the 28th. This is one of the great events in the world of education and technology, where many companies and educators gather to discuss the teaching and to present the trends of the market. Account also with the participation of politicians and ministers of Education from several countries.

Use technology

For the participants of the BETT Show, the use or non-use of technology for teaching and learning is discussion loser. “It is not a question of discussing whether or not to use technology in education. The technologies are out there. Today everyone has access to a smartphone or computer. The discussion is how they should be used to effectively help in learning,” says Vera Cabral, director of content of the BETT Educar in Brazil.

In a presentation to 1 thousand people packed the senior vice president of worldwide education at Microsoft, Anthony Salcito, argued that the jobs and companies are changing and that the new dynamics established require creative people, and with skills that are not restricted to good grades in school. “We are talking about new dynamics both in the classroom and in new working relationships. We have to develop something that can develop these capabilities for success in the students,” he says.

One of the products introduced by Microsoft, is Minecraft, a game that allows students to create and copy places and worlds. If used in education, the tool can, for example, to assist in the teaching and in the observation of details in works of art from the copy of the screens. “Our discussion is at this point, we’re measuring and weighing how we use technology inside and outside the school to connect students and to make collaborate on projects,” says Salcito.

Good examples

With the aim of promoting good examples in education in the world, the portal hundrED.org brings together initiatives from different countries. “Things change very fast around the world, much is lost and we do not know interesting initiatives. The intention is to bring together these initiatives and make them accessible. We make explanatory materials of each one of them”, said Saku Tuominen, director of the creativity of hundrED.

The hundrED is a project of Finnish, non-profit. The initiatives range from encouraging the socialization by means of a wheel of conversation in a café until the use of 3D printers to teach in a concrete way the content of various disciplines.

“There is a certain temptation to believe that technology can revolutionize education, our vision is a little more realistic. We think that it is not the tool itself, but the people who are using, teachers in the classroom, the managers, they will make change happen,” argues the director of the Latin America of the Canvas, Lars Janér. According to him, the role of business is to develop products that can be easily used by teachers and students.

The Canvas is an open platform that allows, among other resources, the sharing of lessons, exercises and online tests. Everything is stored in the cloud and can be accessed from any electronic equipment. The company is present in Brazil for eight months. The platform is free for individuals, that is, teachers and students can use it. Already, institutions should pay for the storage of information.

*The reporter traveled at the invitation of Ascential, an organizer of the BETT Educar in Brazil

Edition: Lílian Beraldo


Will be that the technology is isolating you from the world? – Administrators

According to a study conducted by the organization We Are Social, Brazil is one of the countries that spends more time connected in the world, second only to the Philippines, and Thailand. The brazilian uses the internet on average 9h per day, and during this period, the time dedicated to the family and friends tends to decrease. Then comes the question: instead of approaching, the technology would be in isolating?

according to the research conducted by the Annenberg, University of Southern California, these data have a relationship, even indirectly. And was attentive to them that the Cultural Center Brazil-United States – CCBEU, a school that leads the campaign of the Binational Centers – It, created the campaign "Back to Talk".

the goal of The campaign is to show how the technology can isolate and prevent people to pay attention to each other and speak the same language, in the same tone, in the same language.

get the action

"we Selected the food court of a mall in Goiania to apply a small test. During the action, a actress invited one of the members of each table to participate in a survey about attention. For this, he needed to inform the number of your cellphone, where he would receive a message with instructions to go to the bathroom, replace some item of your clothing and return", explains Anderson Padua, director of B/300, agency CCBEU.

"the goal of The action was to discover the level of perception in relation to the escort and check how much the too much attention to the technology can also prevent dialogue and relations face-to-face," he adds.


"By which we proved in the action, none of the participants noticed the change, and some did not even understand the output of the integral of the table. In this way, the campaign is a little alert about how we talk between us," explains Claudio, director of the Binational Centers that participate in the actions.

To check out the campaign, visit the link: https://voltarafalar.com.br/


THE CCBEU understands as no other the importance of speech, of communication, and also the importance of tone. And also agreed that a contact more humanized and good relations between people improve and optimize the results in learning. Therefore, the goal is to go beyond the standard liability while the school of languages and propose a deeper analysis of the paths that are being followed, about how we are communicating and, especially, the consequences of not communicate well. Much more than speak, be heard, much more than to have an opinion, it is to be understood. And, for this, we need to go back to speak the same language, we need to be able to talk between us. The world needs.


Technology and (un)employment – Estadão

One of the main issues that arise in a time of innovations and changes increasingly fast-paced is the effect of technology on employment. How will this affect the life of people? What is the impact on careers and business? The technology improves or worsens the prospects of employment of the population?

The discussion is complex, and started long time ago. By itself, this is already a relevant element to be analyzed carefully: this debate is not new. During virtually the entire History of Civilization, new technologies precipitated changes and, consequently, a discussion of the effect on the workforce.

Aristotle, Ancient Greek philosopher, wrote that "the servants are an instrument that should be prioritized before all other instruments," and pointed out that, if there was a way to perform a particular job without human interference, this shape would be chosen, freeing up people for other activities. The governments of various civilizations ancient sought ways of occupying the unemployed population in function of any technical innovation, reaching the extreme to reject or prohibit any innovation that impactasse the labour market. According to economist and historian Robert Heilbroner, during the Middle Ages, people who tried to negotiate or promote the goods that could be classified as "innovative" were performed as the worst offenders.

The movement Luddite, occurred in England during the First Industrial Revolution, joined workers who were seeing their labor be replaced by machines – and inspired the current Neoludismo, philosophy which basically is opposed to technological development. The origin of the word "sabotage", some say, is the term "sabot" – a wooden shoes that workers of the late EIGHTEENTH and early NINETEENTH century played in the industrial machinery to break them.

in This environment was born the science of modern economic and begins a debate that to this day remains without answer: there is "technological unemployment"? On one side, names such as Robert Malthus and Karl Marx argued that yes, and another Charles Babbage (one of the most important figures in the history of computing), and Jean-Baptiste Say ("supply creates its own demand") said that not. Over the following century, the discussion continued, but the evidence pointed to a positive vision of the future in spite of two world wars (1914-1918 and 1939-1945): in general, the technological progress was improving the quality of life of all social classes, both workers and bosses.

In the last years of the last century, the expansion of the process of globalisation has led many thinkers, economists, and journalists to consider their effects in the medium and long term – and again the innovation and automation are at the heart of the debate in function of their potential impacts on the labour market. In 1996, two european journalists (Hans-Peter Martin and Harald Schumann) published "The Trap of Globalization", arguing that only 20% of the economically active population would be enough to keep the world economy functioning – forcing governments to support the other 80%. The book "The End of Jobs", 1995, economist the north-american Jeremy Rifkin also anticipates the elimination of millions of jobs in light of technological innovations, and the growth of the sector of voluntary services supported by the government.

Until today, innovation has been the catalyst of so-called "creative destruction" – that is, the jobs are not eliminated, but rather transferred to other sectors (for example, in the agricultural sector – which was extremely automated – to the services sector). But there are those who believe that this scenario is about to change – for the worse. This will be our theme next week. Up there. *Investor in new technologies, is a computer Engineer and Master in Artificial Intelligence


Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Training in technology creates jobs in the White Castle … – Jornal de Negócios – Portugal

Proside and the city of White Castle have joined together to create Proside Academy, a training academy and the development of new technologies at the Centre of Innovative Enterprises (CEI), has informed the municipality in a statement.

Proside Academy has enabled the creation of four jobs, will give training for 15 young people and, says the Chamber, will “promote the emergence of over a dozen jobs over the next few months.”

Luís Correia, mayor of White Castle, says that with this partnership with Proside aims to create the conditions and give young people the tools to “come to be entrepreneurs, start their own business or even come to integrate the staff of the company.”

The academy is part of a strategy to encourage “the creation of jobs and employment in the digital area. With companies and start-ups are installed, with the academy, the ERC offers all the conditions to be able to develop and invest here,” says Luís Correia.


Training in technology creates jobs in Castelo Branco – Jornal de Negócios – Portugal

Proside and the city of White Castle have joined together to create Proside Academy, a training academy and the development of new technologies at the Centre of Innovative Enterprises (CEI), has informed the municipality in a statement.

Proside Academy has enabled the creation of four jobs, will give training for 15 young people and, says the Chamber, will “promote the emergence of over a dozen jobs over the next few months.”

Luís Correia, mayor of White Castle, says that with this partnership with Proside aims to create the conditions and give young people the tools to “come to be entrepreneurs, start their own business or even come to integrate the staff of the company.”

The academy is part of a strategy to encourage “the creation of jobs and employment in the digital area. With companies and start-ups are installed, with the academy, the ERC offers all the conditions to be able to develop and invest here,” says Luís Correia.


Apple processed not to prevent drivers from sending … – FROG 24

Julio Jsca, lives in Orange County, California, and it was here that had an accident: stopped at a traffic light, Jsca saw a semi-conductive 'released' to "look at the phone instead of paying attention to the road". This wedged in the back of his car.

"When the driver got out of the vehicle still had the iPhone in hand, frightened at having caused the accident," says Jsca to The Guardian, adding that the accident has caused an injury in the back.

According to the british newspaper, Julio Jsca is not seeking financial reparation for what has happened. Yes, it is decided to force Apple to implement a security system – which has already been patented – or to suspend iPhone sales in California.

"The life of each one of the residents [of California] is at risk due to the inability of Apple to install a lock system on their iPhones," he said Jsca.

"This is something huge for Apple," says The Guardian Eric Goldman, professor at Santa Clara University. "This process wants to make Apple the financial guarantee of all the victims of accidents caused by a driver who was going to move in your iPhone".

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This process, which gave entrance to the court of Los Angeles on the 17th January, follows the same lines of one another that takes place in the court of Santa Clara. In this instance, Bethany and James Modisette sued the tech giant in the north american after a man, who allegedly was using FaceTime while driving, have embatido in your car. The couple’s daughter, only 5 years, he died in this accident.

The locking mechanism, patented since 2014, he should be able to detect – through sensors or for the connection between the iPhone and the vehicle – that the driver is at the wheel and, thus, inhibit some of the functions of the smartphone, such as the possibility of send messages.

Apple, however, has not yet introduced this feature on their phones, and some experts quoted by The Guardian believe that the case could not proceed, since it is not clear whether the mechanism – though proprietary – are ready to be implemented. The british newspaper explains: how is it that the phone would be able to distinguish between driver and passenger?


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

And if the cover of my smartphone to fly? (yes, it is possible) – FROG 24

Today, it is hard to go to an event where you do not see people taking selfies with their selfies sticks. On the beach, at summer festivals, dinners, lunches and travel. The drone that promises to revolutionize the world of selfies, you don’t have to be flown and is always in our smartphone.

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Hagay Klein, founder of Selfly, plans to introduce a new concept with regard to selfies. This has created a cover of a mobile phone that turns into a drone with which you want to work around the limitations of the selfie stick, without the complications of a drone.

The entrepreneur explains how he came up with the idea:” most people do not fly drones, it’s tricky, you have to worry about loading the command, take a suitcase and carry it all, is not convenient”. It is here that Selfly enters. How? “We are solving a problem. We took in all the latest technology, stable that we know of in the world of drones and put it in a thin layer of mobile phone. OK, is your cover of your phone is always with you. You don’t need to fly because it is stable in the air. Just take it with you, take it out of the phone, put it where you want and control it easily through the app.”

When he talks about the development of the same, Hagay Klein has two key words: it is a solution designed to be simple and convenient. “Nobody thinks about how to use a smartphone, or afraid to use the smartphone, only the smartphone. Up here there was a camera on the front and a camera on the back of your smartphone. Now there is a third, removable, that we can withdraw from the smartphone and where you want. You’re not piloting a drone is controlling your photography. It’s as simple as that.”

This cover of a cell phone, 131mm length, 66mm wide and only 9mm thick. Weighs seventy grams and will be available in white and black. It is compatible with the following models: iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, Samsung Galaxy S6 edge, Galaxy 7, Galaxy 7 edge and Nexus 6. The app that controls it is available for iOS and for Android.

the next step for The company is the campaign on Kickstarter that started today, 24 January. The Selfly aims to obtain funding for 125,000 dollars and put your product on the market in the space of six months at the price of 100 dollars. On the first day of the campaign, has already managed close to $ 11,000, so it seems well on the way to achieve your goal in the near future. If you are interested in knowing more about this project, see here.
