Monday, September 15, 2014

The Science of Management Science and Technology – Science Today

Managing C & T immediately implies having a clear perception of the National Scientific and Technological System segment (NSTS) in which develops its activity, without losing sight of its general framework and the interwoven relationships. Who is your audience: research units, research teams, fellows, companies, institutions

Meet at national and Community legislation applicable to the management of C & T, understand what they are programs and life cycles of projects, distinguish initiatives of instruments, strategies emergencies, policy rules, follow up the administrative harangue. Move with ease and grace in the protocol, inter-institutional and inter intricacies.

@@Recognizing that financing institutions such as the FCT, are also regulatory (and regulated) as well as management of various aspects of the activities financing, but also protagonists in the construction of actions and projects, including those aimed for International Relations, with its protocols and specific initiatives, and for the Information Society.

In these areas, often the Manager C & T is also a Policy Officer already participating, by issuing opinions on the definition, coordination and implementation of policies to develop the institutional and inter-institutional context and often generating trends or opportunities with direct impact on the scientific community and international when, for example, decides to open a competition for research projects on particular topic, or recommend special assistance in areas niche

The management of C & amp;. T is a desktop challenger who various aspects calls and allows a very interesting perspective SCTN, which in turn belongs. The existence of Project Management Offices does, often, all the difference in the success of the funded activities.

Your absence or ineffectiveness and compels researchers a set of tasks so absorbing of his time as sometimes the very research: collecting invoices, be mindful of all deadlines for submission of various documents, instruct payment requests, communicate extensively with funders

@@The increasing creation of Offices of communication institutions. funders and funded has allowed, on the other hand, a systematic dissemination of events, priorities and opportunities for various stakeholders, not necessarily confined to scientific-technological fabric.

One of the most remarkable progress that we watch was computerization, and its gradual refinement of available and required information to the scientific community. In particular with regard to the submission of electronic applications system, FCT offers first class tools, and allow not only the management of the application processes, such as interactive and efficient monitoring of the entire project cycle until its closure .

The insertion of editable CV and electronic access to historical financed activities is another valuable tool for researchers.

The assessment activity as necessary as controversial, can and should take full advantage of its positive aspects, and correct gaps or errors.

The truth is that on more than one occasion, finding myself working with partners from different countries, some with long and recognized tradition of political public for C & T, received praise for the fact that they are used exclusively international panels for the evaluation of national projects, and the existence of evaluating final reports of projects funded by scientific committees, which apparently is not the case in several countries

@@’What if the result of the evaluation of the final project report is negative?’, asked me once at such a meeting of European consortia. ‘They return all the money’, clarified them. Amazement in the room. The spaces, portuguese do it better.

Of course we should go further, for example by also creating small international panels for the assessment of final reports of projects, following the efforts of independence that is pursued in the evaluation of their applications.

The same requirement of internationalization of the panels for the individual contests bags. The scoreboards applications should not, in my view, be constituted as macro multidisciplinary panels.

Panels specialized areas in assessment and interdisciplinary, with a limited number of reviewers, I seem to be the option more rational and better qualitative results. Having already caused some controversy with this view, I maintain that the constitution of the Evaluation Panels for national / international, units and projects grants should have the maximum possible participation of the Coordinator of the Panel, even with monitoring, supervision and suggestions / changes introduced by financing institutions.

@@is much less likely that this method origine viciamento evaluations than assume some opinions before, it promotes formation of a thematic experts for experts and a qualitative consistency and comprehensiveness of panel .

mandatory Interim and most systematic of all funded actions, notwithstanding the procedural and procedural complexity that would accrue to all other ongoing activities, would be of primary importance to raise the efficiency levels of monitoring .

Especially in epic times of little money to be selective is a must, but it primarily involves being very demanding with every device evaluation and management that has.

About finance C & T with public funds, whether national or Community also participates in policy and the thinking aspect, not just funding / regulatory gaining ground with the creation of offices for specific areas, such as geared for Studies and planning, but also for practical application and return, such as the Technology Transfer Offices.

@@We need all these lines of action are known across the various sectors that make up the institutions, is the knowledge of that achievement but also of impasses, the Conceptual clarity and impact, which raises and extends as proclaimed but sometimes so empty ‘institutional culture’. Internal communication institutions lacks relentless and constant efficiency

Finally, the actual management of the funders of C & amp;. T must resist the temptation of academic deification of leaders, and be it multisectoral own and with presence of managers alongside researchers, policy and scientific experts and officers with the relevant curricula. Different references motivate the quality and fairness of performance, independence and institutional credibility.

Given so many demands, challenges and multiplicity of public and needs, juggling occurred realize now why me. Manager and artist all have a little …

Toast to Science, Technology and your best enjoyment by all of us, its recipients and rationale.


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