Sunday, September 14, 2014

Education, science and technology for development – Tribuna do Norte – Natal

Investments in innovation are currently a prerogative for any economic sector of society, in the opinion of the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Clelio Campolina. Former rector of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), the minister was in Natal on Monday (8), for the inauguration of the Institute of Digital Metropolis UFRN. In the event, the minister said that the Federal do Rio Grande do Norte is reference in higher education in the country, and stressed: “Can not proceed without uniting education, science and technology and economic development. These three pillars will leverage further growth in the Northeast.

In an interview with TRIBUNE NORTH, the minister spoke about the importance of investments in innovation and the role of the university in connection with the productive sector. See below:

Metropolis Institute

UFRN is today transferring know-how to other universities in the country, because it already has a very significant training in area of ​​Information Technology. While I was rector of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), we received support from the University of RN who transferred in IT technology it developed for the area of ​​human resources. Difficulties in Brazil everywhere, but they do not exist in the northeast, are general in the country. I think UFRN already have a good training; the actual installation of the Digital Metropolis is an innovation, a breakthrough, I think it can make a huge contribution in the training of human resources in this area and may even result from the training of the university, an inducer of spinoffs environment. Ie, innovative, entrepreneurial initiatives that may arise from this core qualification. There are no other such institutes in Brazil, specifically targeted towards the qualification.

IT in Brazil

The IT today is a priority. She was the first technological change in human history that had a horizontal impact on all aspects of social, economic and political life. No sector of the Brazilian social activity that is not affected or governed by IT exists. So there is a race in the world, and also in Brazil, to train human resources for the area. There is a deficit in this area that is not Brazilian, is worldwide. Brazil is one of the fastest advance in the IT field. The access to digital tools is widespread in Brazil, the country has one of the highest growth. We are running ahead, lead the process of management and governance of the internet system. So we’re relatively well, it is a process you have to insert the whole population, and is a process of permanent change. It is also a question of generation: younger people have the capacity to deal with these innovations.

Actions Ministry

Today, the project is the Ministry of Greater Brazil, Brazil More IT has trained around 200 000 people and have a plan to reach 300 thousand. We are involving the national network of research and other institutions, and this has a spillover effect, multiplier, within the companies themselves. The great entrepreneurial institutions and government effort to make a proper training. Besides the process of learn by own doing – learning by doing – you have trained people who will teach the other. When you talk about training in Brazil More IT, this process performs several functions. One is the training itself, which is to have qualified people. The other is a breakdown of the functions of the IT hierarchy. And third is that you need an interface between the youth and the market.

Innovation Law

We are working to recast Innovation Act, through a Constitutional Amendment Project (SGP) 290, and now we are with Law No. 21,777, which is the new innovation law. We are in permanent contact with the science and technology committee of the Senate, to society in general, the foundations for research support. Amazingly, all countries of the world are facing the same problem in that matches the regulation of innovation. It is simple, you have to have standards involving the business sector, university academia, research institutions in order to ease innovation and preserve certain rights. For example, the right of the innovator, one who produces the innovation process and the public interest; transferring technology, under what conditions, and how to preserve the parties’ interests. The government puts money in universities, then there must be a public benefit. It is difficult to make such management, but the country is moving forward. The new version is just an advance.

Research funding

There are college edicts CNPQ, there is INCT, we will also launch the Proinfa laboratory. UFRN is a very active university, and it is present in all. It is very important to say that the whole innovative process in any field of knowledge the role of universities is central. We can no longer think of technology without science. The generation and transmission of science is something that is very much in the university area of ​​the lotus: the challenge is to bridge the gap between the university and the productive institutions. Beyond Innovation Act, all research projects in Brazil have played today there is an incentive to do so. But remember that those most interested in it are the two institutions. The Innovation Act comes only to facilitate all this.

Chats: Ivonildo José Rego – UFRN former dean and director of the Metropolitan Institute Digital

was talk that much IMD was created based on the Porto Digital project in Pernambuco. We are able to have a technology park that type?
Yes, we take as a basis the Digital Port, but we focus on a training structure that he had not. Clear that there existed a very strong partnership between the state, business and the university. But our concern is not to have a condominium that houses companies as a technology park, but glued to the university. So we can add technology companies, attract multinationals and also provide professionals. Our focus is to have a good structure of IT training, which is the area that has the highest deficit in qualified people. Moreover, we are also accredited by the Computer Law by the MCTI, to seek resources. That way you will generate a positive current to IT development in infants.

What was the importance of the project for UFRN?

IMD was part of a series of actions that call for strategic projects, which had strongly qualify as concern the university what is most important for a university: innovation, interdisciplinarity, innovation and inclusion. We work the four elements in these strategic projects. For example, I gathered (Program Restructuring and Expansion of Federal Universities) worked very inclusion, with expansion slots. But the Brain Institute, which is now a global benchmark, was very important for the research, interdisciplinarity and internationalization.

What are the projects of IMD for the coming years?

In just two years, we have already begun to offer scholarships to graduate: a residence in software engineering and a professional master’s degree in software engineering. We have a request in Capes for a new master in embedded, microelectronics and instrumentation system.

Chat: Wilson da Mata – Senai Director of the Institute for Innovation in Renewable Energy

How difficult of approach between ? industry and academia

There is no escape: the university is the granary of science. Countries that can well manage this approach are that develop more such as USA, Japan. Brazil is opening this as a new trend and running a few of the university as if it were only a producer of knowledge. The Brazilian oil industry is one of the largest in the world because they approached the university. UFRN is an example which, together with Petrobras, has developed numerous actions. Both parties win it very well there. With the Innovation Law, this approach was partly.

As the ISI Renewable Energy, born of a partnership with Senai UFRN, can contribute?

The institute will be a middle ground between industry and academia, making innovation happen more quickly. The Senais institutes will always be linked to a university – in RN, UFRN became a natural partnership

The university has also pledged to create courses for the RN this new industry.
We are awaiting the signing of the agreement to begin capturing research groups already working in this area. Soon after, we will begin to analyze what are the required courses for the development of human resources for this new trend. Strongly, a course in renewable, wind or solar energy, some expertise, it is sure to be created. We want something perennial, you can keep the generation of human resources.



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