Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Maria says gilvanete entered the course to get rid of … – Diário de Pernambuco (Signature)

Increased longevity of the elderly in Brazil has raised the need to recycle to return to the labor market. This public eye, the Fecomércio in partnership with Senac, offers a suite of short courses to enable people over 60, who want to have a productive activity. Are computer classes, social media and internet that enable digital inclusion. Another line of action is open to college seniors program. Individual courses are offered in undergraduate courses of food, fashion, events and administration. Another project in pregnancy is the talent pool, mature professionals who will register for forwarding them to companies in the trade and services sector.

In the age of technology, social networking, WhatsApp, SMS, online news, most seniors feel like “fish out of water”. The artisan Maria gilvanete Acioli, 62, was motivated by the granddaughter of two years and six months, Maria Sofia, that the key to intimacy iPad and smartphone parents. “I decided to do a computer course to get out of digital illiteracy. I just created my Facebook profile and I now have an e-mail to communicate “, says proudly.

A public servant Antonia Elias Romão, 63, works as a cook. Four years ago bought a notebook, but only used to view photos. Classmate of gilvanete, she is excited about the computer classes and already knows surf the internet. When it comes to old Antonia gives the message: “I do not think age has to learn. The computer is for everyone, young and mature. “She has program to other courses.

The general director of the Faculty Senac, Terezinha Ferraz, says it is great demand for extension courses and disciplines isolated from undergraduate courses. “With increasing longevity, there are few programs for this audience. The courses seek to give our quality of life and harness the potential of these people, that they can return to the labor market as standalone or with a formal contract. “It highlights the inclusion of the elderly in undergraduate classes interacting with younger students.

Another project in pregnancy is creating a talent pipeline. The director of the Institute Fecomércio, Osvaldo Ramos explains that the model is inspired by a North American experience brokering labor of older people. According to him, the idea is to register retirees who participate in training courses and other talented professionals who are out of the market, to provide the basis for cadastral companies. “Our proposal is to upgrade the skills of the elderly to meet the market demands.” The expectation of the entity is to start registration base of talent seniors starting next year.


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