Monday, September 8, 2014

Largest exhibition of agricultural technology presents new US – State of Minas

The numbers of the grain crop in the United States may lead to imagine a battalion in the field at harvest time. But it is not so. Instead of men, machines with cutting edge technology. Harvesting in the country about 90 million tons of soybeans and somewhere around 353 million tons of corn – data from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for the 2013/2014 season – the agricultural labor is almost nonexistent. One explanation is the strong evolution of the machinery used for planting, spraying, harvesting, transporting and storing in recent years.

Just as a comparison, the Brazilian corn crop must close at 78.55 million tons, and the latest estimates for the soybean harvest indicate to 85.65 million tons. But while in Brazil, more than 15.7 million workers in the field, in the United States can go through acres and acres of crops without observing a single rural employee. It is because of this type of scenario that the Farm Progress Show, the largest fair of agricultural technology from the United States attracts visitors from 48 states of the USA and 50 rural people from 60 countries. This year, the 61st, held between 26 and 28 August in Iowa, in the North American Midwest, around 700 exhibitors were responsible for the great attractions. News not lacking.

Check out the video on the new wheels

However, the average number of visitors the previous editions, 110 thousand in three days, may have reduced slightly. The final balance was not disclosed. But the threat of a tornado did the show be removed earlier at the last day, to the frustration of those who had been scheduled to meet innovations. The event is sponsored each year by a state. Iowa and Illinois take turns in production.

AWAY FROM CAVES Among the releases this season, focus on the accuracy and productivity of crops in many of the booths spread in 40 acres of the fair . The big guys, the novelty was also due to the wheels. The heavy round the rear axles were replaced by triangular mats that reduce soil compaction. Launching the fashion these wheels was the Magnum tractor Rowtrac of Case IH. Combines 9240 were not limited to traction or soil compaction: the storage capacity and harvest increased from 6500 to 8000 bushels bushels per hour, ie, can harvest nearly 2.2 tons of soybeans in just 60 minutes . And all equipment can be controlled by the farmer tablet. AFS Connect software enables 20 track everything from the spent fuel harvested area. And the farmer need not even be on the field. It can monitor all of the city from your home or office, miles away.

The farmer Larry Schliefert, which has property in Murdock (Nebraska), does not have any employee to help handle the farm 566 hectares facing the production of soybeans and corn. He, his wife and two grown children take care of everything from planting to storage. And the activity is only possible because of the machines and seeds which he calls “special”:. Transgenic logically, but with features more specific to each day

This year, for example, managed to plant Schliefert 30% of maize with a more drought resistant variety. With this, believes it has obtained greater productivity for that part of the crop. For corn, it provides spoon 180-200 bushels per acre or up to 5,080 pounds each 0.404 ha. For soybeans, the estimate is 50 to 60 bushels per acre, or 0,404 to 1,632 pounds per acre. “This year we are recording higher productivity,” says the producer, adding that in 2013 the drought produced sharp decline in North American grain harvest. And in his shed, which lacks non-agricultural machines are cutting edge. “I change every two years,” says the farmer who loves to learn “everything” about new technologies.

* The reporter traveled at the invitation of CaseIH. <- Google Adsense ->


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