Go shopping with the smartphone : make a list of the missing elements, buy and pay. As? SmartShopping through a system of checkout developed by Xhockware that promises to make the payment of a full shopping cart in under a minute. The product ensures protection for retail theft and is compatible with boxes of global retailers, regardless of brand or technology. And is Portuguese.
The Xhockware is one of four Portuguese teams headed to the United States of America (USA) to accelerate the technologies and businesses that launched around here. During the eight weeks we will be in Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), the startups Xhockware, Displr, Followprice and WeTruck will enjoy develop products and services , developing skills Management and leadership, manage intellectual property , increase network contacts from potential customers , suppliers, partners and mentors , and other related business aspects.
The eight-week program of immersion in American soil is part of the 2014 edition of INRES, an initiative to accelerate business in the area of information and communication technology (ICT), coordinated by Carnegie Mellon Portugal program, whose mission technologies is putting the country at the forefront of innovation in this area. As? Betting on cutting-edge research , the “excellence” in postgraduate training and a very close connection with the Portuguese industry.
“This is the great time for all four teams benefit from an immersion program in the USA that will meet your needs and that will give them skills and tools to better manage their
startups “explained John Claro, program director in Portugal.
In the USA, the four teams will be able to develop the business on the accelerator to startups the American university while participating in seminars, meetings and fairs as LaunchCMU, sponsored by the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship from CMU and the 3 Rivers Venture Fair, one of the busiest annual fairs and investment entrepreneur circle of Pennsylvania where João Paulo Rodrigues and David Nephew, the Xhockware, will present the company which is incubated at UPTEC (Science and Technology Park of the University of Porto).
New media, marketing digital and energy recovery
The second phase of INRES begins this Wednesday, the country “mother” of entrepreneurship and the Portuguese technology will be highlighted. Xhockware beyond the North American market will get to know the technology Displr a new social media that is to recast the role of digital public demonstrations as a means of communication, focusing If social interaction and enhancing the value chain.
Do Bluestart, the Portugal Telecom program, comes to the USA Followprice a marketing tool digital for e-commerce sites, which allows the clients to follow their favorite products and are advised of price changes. The system energy recovery for refrigerated lorries the WeTruck has been developing in UPTEC is the fourth project to be accelerated at CMU.
The INRES stands out “the quality and diversity of planned initiatives,” said John Claro. Before making the bags to the USA, entrepreneurs had four months to prepare. From June to September, participated in workshops related management of technology-based projects in highly competitive international environments , where they could learn from international experts like Dave Mawhinney, co-director of Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship CMU or Suzi Pegg, vice president of global marketing at Pittsburgh Regional Alliance.
Rogério Carapuça, non-executive chairman of Novabase, Pedro Guedes de Oliveira, Faculty of Engineering, University of port, Paulo Marques, the Feedzai, and Mário Rela-Zenha, the RedLight also contributed expertise in the four months of training.
Funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology
In the American university, the INRES is supported by the Council of Rectors of Portuguese Universities, the Pittsburgh Regional Alliance, the University Technology Enterprise Network Portugal and INESC TEC (Institute of Engineering Systems and Computers. – Science and Technology)
In 2015, a second edition is planned initiative. The Carnegie Mellon Portugal program is a collaboration between the Portuguese government and the American University and is funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology. . Partnership between institutions covers more than 300 students Professional Masters and PhD dual degree comprises 25 research projects and has over 80 partner companies
The program already left ten o’clock startups: Dognaedis, Geolink, Feedzai, Virtual Traffic Lights, Mambu, Orange Bird, Streambolico, Veniam, RedLight – Software and Sentilant. And spurred the creation of the Institute for Interactive Technologies Madeira.
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