Thursday, March 19, 2015

Understand VoIP, technology that allows apps connect the Internet –

Increasingly arise applications that allow users to make phone calls over the Internet, but few know the VoIP, the technology behind this benefit. Thinking about it, the TechTudo decided to explain how the use and what their advantages and disadvantages are. Check!

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What is VoIP

VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol is a technology that allows transmission of voice over IP (Internet Protocol), that is, transforms analog audio signals, such as a call into digital data that can be transferred over the Internet. The method is increasingly present with software that has the technology like Skype, Facebook Messenger, Viber and WhatsApp.

Despite having gained prominence in the market recently, technology emerged in the early 1990s and came to be considered a failure because of the low-speed data transmission of the time. However, with the popularization of broadband Internet, the technology has been gaining more space and was invested in quality of service for the method to become viable.

How it works

For this method it is possible, VoIP captures the voice, which until then is transmitted in analog form and turns it into data packets that can be sent via any TCP / IP. Thus, the first step is to install some software that allows the action. In practice, the transmission can be done in two ways, from one computer to another or from a computer to a regular phone.

When the transmission is made between computers or other devices with Internet, as smartphones, all that is spoken in the headset or microphone is turned into binary information and transmitted over the Internet. This is certainly the easiest and most economical way to use the technology, since you never paid by international long-distance calls. All you need is an app that performs the function, microphone, speakers, sound card and an Internet connection, preferably a cable or DSL modem.

Ever you use the computer to make a call to a regular phone, the voice is also transformed into information, going across the Internet and is changed to analog signals, which will be received on the links in telephone exchanges. If you want to use your own regular phone to make calls with VoIP technology, is also possible.

In this case, you will need a device called ATA (analog telephone adapter), an analog-digital converter that allows you to connect a standard phone to your computer or your Internet connection in order to use VoIP. The device takes the analog signal from your telephone set and converts it into digital data for transmission over the Internet. Some providers distribute ATA free, while in others, you need to hire the service.

What is the best application to make calls over the Internet? Comment on TechTudo Forum

IP Phones

It is very common confusion between VoIP and IP Telephony, but remember that they are different. While the VoIP uses conventional equipment to make the data transmission via the Internet, the IP phones are specific devices that connect directly to the computer network receiving voice, data and images. They look like ordinary phones, but use RJ-45 connectors, the same network cards of computers, instead of the standard RJ-11 phone.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are various advantages of technology. Besides baratearem the cost of telephone calls, VoIP also allows multiple calls occupy the same space as that is filled only for the traditional telephony. In conventional network connection consumed 10 minutes 10 minutes to a 128 Kbps stream / s rate, while at the same VoIP connection may occupy only 3.5 minutes of transmission time 64 kbp / s, leaving the remaining free to other calls.

However, despite the benefits, there are also some disadvantages of the method, such as Internet addiction, which causes many cons. For example, the call quality will depend on a good connection and this can end up messing up, and be without the technology in emergency situations where we can not get online. Still, VoIP has become increasingly popular and shows that it is worth.

In Brazil, the National Telecommunications Agency (ANATEL), the body responsible for telecommunications regulation in the country clarified that a VoIP provider not providing the network, needs no license to operate.


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