Wednesday, March 25, 2015

New genetic technology allows you to choose disease-free embryo – Weather

  Sao Paulo. The 11 million Brazilians infertility problems and women who are delaying increasingly motherhood (between 30 and 34 years, according to IBGE data) often find the support necessary for the realization of your dreams on advances in science and medicine.


  After the selection of embryos for pregnancy for a healthy baby, the latest addition in reproductive genetics area is the next-generation sequencing (Next Generation Sequency – NGS). Developed just over a year, the technique is the result of the worldwide race to sequence the human genome so that it could reach a more precise technology, fast and cheap.


  The NGS is a technology for studying genome scale: reading large DNA fragments were selected and analyzed by genetic panels (or endocrine cancer, for example) that will give answers for disease groups or genetic conditions, as the geneticist explains Cyrus Martinhago, the 1st International Workshop on Reproductive Genetics.


  According Martinhago, the big difference of the NGS to the usual methods is to make it possible to read hundreds of genes and identify numerous diseases or genetic modifications in just 27 hours. “A year ago, the sequencing was offered-a gene for $ 4,500 and the result was given as 45 days. With the NGS is possible to sequence 328 genes at a lower cost and using dashboards that analyze 800 diseases, “explains geneticist.


  Running against time and against the barriers imposed by age is important for women who opted for late motherhood. “Not only increase the chances of women likely to have a child with any chromosomal genetic disease as has also been a decrease in fertility. One in 800 women have a baby with Down syndrome at age 40 this index increases to a woman in a hundred, and over 45 years this index ranges from one for every 25, “he says.


  According to the geneticist, currently the majority of patients seeking assisted reproduction clinics have over 35 years, and when it comes to embryonic analysis, they have passed the 37. “They are patient who want to have a child, are already having trouble getting pregnant, will undergo fertilization and then opt for the analysis of embryos to have a safer pregnancy. “


  According Martinhago, this technology is used to analyze the embryos for chromosomal level. “As is usually the patient generates multiple embryos, this technology is cheaper. Today the cost of an embryo for analysis of chromosomes is $ 1,400. With the previous technology was R $ 2,000, and the tendency is to fall further, “he predicts.


 The journalist traveled at the invitation of Chromosome Genomic Medicine.




  Analysis . With NGS, actress Angelina Jolie might have had their genes sequenced and know the chances of getting cancer, instead of analyzing only the genes linked to breast and ovarian.


  Medical expects ‘cure’ embryos in the future

The advances in fetal diagnosis, the impacts of the techniques used in fertilization and to the risks of twin pregnancy were also issues discussed during the workshop that brought together experts from around the world. “We still have not fertilized grandchildren, so do not know if removing the eggs from the uterus (dark) and shed light will have an impact in the future,” noted Cyrus Martinhago.

The doctor and professor at USP warned about pregnancy multiple. “The higher maternal age, the greater the chances of a twin pregnancy, but the major contributor is now assisted reproduction. We need to reduce multiple pregnancies rates. “

According to the doctor of the Institute of Wisdom Edson Borges, studies have shown that metabolic exchanges between the embryo and the culture medium may indicate higher chances of pregnancy. “The embryo consumes more glucose theoretically present more likely to settle in the pregnancy,” he said.

Martinhago hopes that in the future it is possible to “heal the embryos because then they would not be discarded, and babies already be born disease free. ”


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