Sunday, March 15, 2015

Alagoas begin to occupy more space in technology and … –

Brazilian women spend more time on devices like cell phones, tablets and PCs and are more connected than men. This is a finding of Connected Life report of TNS Brazil, the result of a study conducted in 52 countries. If the above statement does not seem appropriate, take another look around.

The fact is that, increasingly, women begin to change the composition of technology offices, which were exclusively male strongholds. Now, more than ever, they act with internet, software, hardware, programming and more.

The report of the G1 interviewed some professionals of Alagoas and found that the female universe has been imposed in these environments. The trodden path have been the dedication, persistence and also the patience.

It is what counts Goldsmith Fernanda Correa, who acts as front-end , professional responsible for designer websites, in a Maceio web development agency. “I had trouble getting a job in my area. But I know it was because my resume was the most differentiated and served very well what the job called for “, he said.

The teacher of the Institute of Computing (IC), Federal University of Alagoas (Ufal) Leide Jane de Sá, confirms this perception. “Women are a minority in the course, but those who decide to do a degree in the area are stubborn, more determined and dedicated. This is because in general women study more,” exposes Leide.

Print this that is also confirmed by the Computer Engineering course coordinator, Fábio Cunha. “Here on the course we have little girls, but they participate in external events, programs in the area and study groups. It is possible to realize in a room that they are also dedicated to studies,” says the coordinator.

The fact being minority both in undergraduate courses and in work environments draws attention. Ufal offers two courses in the area: Computer Engineering and Computer Science, in both the female minority is remarkable. According to enrollment reports provided by the IC are 35 women enrolled, of a universe of 297 men. There are 17 women in computer engineering and 18 in Science. Of these, 6 joined this semester.

The Master in Computer Science, Evellyn Cavalcante, reports that there have always been few women in these technological areas. “I remember that at first it was very rare to see a woman. When I graduated was the only one in the class. But over the years, including, graduation were appearing more. In Alagoas think the shortage of women is even greater,” says .

Maria Clara Santana is one of the students of the IC and reports that misses of women in the room. “I do not feel pressure to highlight me or see how competitive the relationship between men and women. I miss most is to see other women becoming interested in technology topics and entering that area, “said Clara.

This low female presence is not restricted to graduation or the labor market. Women wanted also in the events address issues related to technology. The communication student Ana Gabriela Willow was at Campus Party 2014, one of the largest open events in the country. “I went with male friends and they were the majority. Just had another girl on my desk and it was well reserved. The public Campus is mostly male, met few women “he said.

Working for 8 years on the market, says Evellyn never have felt prejudice. “I was lucky to have great colleagues and that even always gave much value to my suggestions but I think that is not the default.” Fernanda Goldsmith agree with this opinion:. “Sometimes the environment is a little heavy, not out of malice, but why boys sometimes make jokes somewhat heavy, causing embarrassment. “

In the academic field the report is very similar. The Leide Jane teacher account that in their ranks also felt that, but this mostly male environment was never discouraging.

“As a woman, I make a difference just by being there, but do not waste time listening for machismo. If there is some differentiation is by classmates . Sometimes it might be, but sometimes it’s just the way of them being careful with us, “says the professor who is one of three women . the teaching staff of the course

Ana Salgueiro points to another way of looking at the question: “It’s interesting lessons for example, see the men face when you begin to discuss. The look of surprise is always very fun and delicious to witness. “

The scenario has changed significantly in this direction. Large companies such as Google, Facebook and Microsoft have adopted policies to encourage women to increase the frame. In Alagoas, found no political incentive, but companies claim to be doors are open.

“In about 4 years over here I see that this scenario is changing faster. I think the prospect for the future is to grow more, not only in number but also in force. When I was pro masters in Minas Gerais, saw a much larger amount of students and teachers as well, “says Evellyn.

Fernanda no longer has a vision so optimistic. “I think the few companies are seeing that it is good to have mixed teams. Women are more organized, improve the environment, have a joy that is female. But I still think, competing with a man for the same job, companies have a predilection for men, “he said.

Asked about the issue, Arthur Walls, Managing Partner of a Digital Agency, says he does not see gender differences when choosing professionals. “We’ve had women exercising schedule function. What happens is that when we open selection process, most resumes are men. I miss women curricula.”

What all interviewees point is that in Alagoas market abound vacancies and none of them reported realize difereças between the wages that men and women receive. “I feel that when a company seeks a professional, she wants someone competent, it will be man or woman, no matter,” says the student Maria Clara.

As the student itself said, it seems that what lack is even available to more women to enter this field, and to all, regardless of gender, the doors are open.


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