Thursday, June 25, 2015

Google’s technology can replace for touchscreen sensors … – Info Online

A new technology developed by Google ATAP, division that takes care of the Google Advanced Technology Projects, can put an end to touchscreen commands from your mobile phone or tablet. The Project Soli intends to incorporate the gesture control navigation of mobile devices.

Instead of using cameras or other more complex sensors, such as Microsoft’s Kinect, the technology behind Project Soli is much simpler . Using a radar – the same that tracks vehicles by GPS, for example -., The system developed by Google can register up to the most delicate movements and translate it into commands to the smartphone or smartwatch

The radar detects movements in a 60 GHz spectrum, up to 60 frames per second. This means that Soli would be able to recognize rapid and complex gestures, such as a snap, and simple as turning a volume knob. The sensor was inserted into a chip the size of a micro SD, which would make it simple to incorporate into hardware.

The Google ATAP team is the same one that took the first steps in the development of Google Glass, and also responsible for the Project Ara, the modular smartphone from Google. The technology does not have time to hit the market, but should be available to developers later this year

See a video demonstration of Soli:.

Source: Engadget


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