Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Factory with innovative technology already produces marine fuel … – RTP

 The residual oil known as’slops` are produced either due to storage and use of fuel for the operation of ships or in the case of cargo liquid bulk, the waste products (crude and refined, among others) who are in tanks.

 In the new plant operating in the Port of Sines, in Setubal district, this waste earn “a second life” because, instead of being incinerated, as is the current practice, are recycled as fuel for ships, explained today at agency Lusa Michel Pingeot, president and founder of the French company Ecoslops.

 The process also has a “carbon footprint” reduced compared to traditional manufacture of marine fuel, enhanced, since the collection of waste oils and the transformation takes place within a limited physical space.

 It was initially planned that the factory began to labor in October 2013, however, “technical problems” and the need for some “adjustments” in productivity led to only earlier this month plucked production, with the opening scheduled for Saturday.

 All these questions, which, for the official, are “normal”, given that this is the first factory in the world with this technology, made the originally planned investment of 14 million euros is forecast to remain close to 18 million today euros, with support of 6.2 million euros of EU funds and the Portuguese State.

 The concern of the French businessman also relates to the reduction of waste originated, which would require an additional investment of more than EUR 1.5 million, but for now, there are negotiations for this material be sold for the production of sealants and insulation used in building.

 Michel Pingeot was keen to stress the “good reception” that the project was part of the Port of Sines, stressing that the Portuguese should “be proud” of the country bet on “innovative” investments and “friends” of the environment, “receptivity not found in France.

 The unit of the Alentejo coast employs about 50 people, mostly recruited locally.

 By the end of the year, it should be produced about 10 tons of marine fuel, but the production capacity is located in the 25 thousand tons per year, which implies the processing of 40,000 tons of waste.

 The Ecoslops Portugal has the exclusive collection of waste oil in the Port of Sines, via a sub contracted with Terminal Maritime Logistics Company (CLT), the group Galp Energia, terminal concessionaire liquid bulk.

 For Michel Pingeot, the inauguration of the Sines plant, which will bring together about 150 people from across the world, is “a kind of shop window.”

 The next step of the French company will build a unit at the Port of Abidjan, Ivory Coast (Africa), investment should proceed next year.

tags: Logistics


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