Saturday, June 20, 2015

Elderly increasingly seek technology courses Pres. Prudente –

With the advancement of technology, the amount of people who have sought to increase their knowledge in the area to stay “tuned” increased. According to President Prudente establishments that provide computer classes, the audience that grew the most was the elderly, with an increase of up to 40% in the demand for activities.

As the coordinator of the Youth Square the Ana Jacinta neighborhood, Alexandre Serra, four years ago the work began with the audience of “best age”. “We have already trained 300 elderly and use a different teaching method that is applied to young people, as a beginning, middle and end. Here we opted for that each has its time and develop in the computer area, “he explains.

According to him, demand grew 10% year over year and the commitment of these people with the lessons is exemplary. “Our intention is that they leave the course with basic computer. We dedicate a lot of patience because we know that some of these students who have never had contact with a computer, so lack a little coordination with typing. Our intention is to have a date to start, but the conclusion is as their performance, “says the coordinator.

But these computer courses have attracted not only seniors but people over 50 years. “With the arrival of applications and smartphones all they felt the need to upgrade. This means that there is such an increase “, he says.

The free internet Trainer Presidente Prudente SESC, Leandro Mariano said the computer class they offer for seniors is already the room full. “Today’s older people live a lot with children and grandchildren. So the demand here at our institution became 40 years old and above. Their contact with the younger generation makes them want to learn how to move applications and e-mail, “he says.

The desire to improve has made the move in a computer school that is Rua Major Felicio Tarabay increased 40%, according to the director of the local Elsner Cornetti. He says that the seniors feel afraid to ask questions to the relatives for fear of “find” lack of patience. “They seek to have the independence to be able to mess with photos, e-mail, social network, but can not always due to the various steps that must be made,” claims.

The process of inclusion is something adopted in methodology of teaching unit as Cornetti, so that those who are older can feel welcomed by other students. “We realize that this integration of the elderly to the young man ends up helping with that development is faster, as well as the older experience contributes to harmony in the classroom. All this is managed by the teacher who puts them in pairs. We felt that this methodology maintains the balance, “he said.

Who chose these courses in the best old says it’s worth, such as the retired Antonio de Oliveira Gomes, 72. “Inertia causes us to seek something to do. With the retirement we get away from things. Even with health problems such as stroke [stroke], failure to vision and a tumor, I chose to learn, “he says.

The important thing is not standing still. “If we we parked, we subsides and we can not let that happen regardless of our age,” says Gomes.

The Sueli Moreira secretariat, 60, came on as a student at a computer school, but because of their interest, he got a job at the institution. “I started with the basic computer course out of curiosity, and I was enjoying it. With the deepening, the teacher noticed my interest and invited me to work, “he recalls.

What motivated you to make course was to keep” in tune “with so many upgrades. “Within the company there are many young people who are updated and with that, we who are older, we also have to seek knowledge. Today, in addition to help with the work, I have contact with many relatives, even abroad, all the social network, “he concludes.


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