Over the years, education gained new forms , influenced by technologies and creativity of people engaged in improving educational options for the current generation. All these skills should develop in parallel so that students are much benefit from the changes, from the behavioral teaching
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If education and the interaction of technology in the social space is an issue that arouses your interest, watch some specific documentaries on the subject. Check out the most interesting of them and enjoy!
1 – “Networked Society: The Future of Learning”
This video was produced by Ericson firm specializing in technology, aiming to make with viewers feel provoked by the film claims. There are questions about the current education system and projections for the global future of the same. In addition, the fundamental part of this video is to show how we can become characters of the transformation
2 -. “On The Brink Of The Networked Society”
Every day closer we come to a society completely interconnected and that is the idea that the film to go. The main points are the transformations that technologies have brought to the group experience. It is a very informative piece and able to provoke reflection on the attentive spectators.
3 – “Collaboration: On the Edge of a New Paradigm”
a basis for discussion of the film is to emphasize the importance of studying large groups during the research to establish certain pattern of results in relation the characteristics studied. Another central idea is the need to think about the importance of teamwork
4 -. “PressPausePlay”
The film deals with the innovations driven by new technologies and all creativity behind them. From this motto, the script follows questioning points relating to culture and exposing interviews with influential creators of the digital universe
. 5 – “Humans Need Not Apply”
Launched in 2014, this documentary discusses the massive presence of machines in everyday life and design a future in which humans have far fewer functions because of them. The film raises important questions about the future and tries to provoke viewers
6 – “IBM’s Watson: Smartest Machine on Earth”.
film deals about creating Watson, an artificial intelligence system from IBM, who participated in the question and answer program Jeopardy. The machine competed with individuals who performed the best over the issues, to show the potential of it. Thus, the documentary discusses how the artificial intelligence makes the whole production system that is known today
. 7 – “Everything Is A Remix”
> This video takes the view that the process of creation and innovation focused on the technologies involved is similar to the process of performing the remix of songs. In both cases, no combination of prints with other new ideas for the development of a new product.
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