Friday, May 1, 2015

Space travel can cause brain damage – Correio da Manhã

 Photo DR

The astronauts may have memory loss, conscience and attention

05/01/2015 22:48

Space travel can cause brain damage

Astronauts who make long space travel are subject to radiations can cause irreversible damage.

Astronauts who make long space travel are subject to radiation that can cause irreversible damage to the central nervous system, according to a published study, this Friday -Thurs in the American journal Science Advances.

“This is not good news for astronauts who want to take a trip of two or three years, round-trip to Mars. The cosmic radiation can alter the cognitive abilities of astronauts during the rest of his life, “said researcher Charles Limoli, the University of California, who led the scientific study.

When NASA prepares to make the first manned mission to Mars, researchers warn that during long-term space flights, the brains of astronauts is hit by “destructive particles” from the cosmic rays.

The research team subjected mice genetically engineered to radiation of high energy charge particles and found that these radiation caused an inflammation in the animals’ brain, which interfere with the transmission of signals in the nervous system.

The test results showed that the mice exposed to radiation were less active, less curious and manifested themselves more confused .

According to the researcher, the astronauts the effects can be memory loss, conscience and attention during a long-duration mission.

The astronauts who spend long seasons International Space Station do not run that risk because they are protected by the magnetosphere of the Earth.

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