Monday, May 4, 2015

Piano inventor was born 360 years – Correio da Manhã

Google celebrates birthday Bartolomeo Cristofori.

 By CC

Can you play the piano?

Google celebrates this Monday, the 360 ​​° Bartolomeo Cristofori birthday. Probably never heard of this Italian, but was responsible for the invention of the piano, instrument playing and idolized by millions of people worldwide. Began manufacturing nails since childhood, a musical instrument, such as the current piano, strings and uses a keyboard to play musical notes.

The ability to download and increase the volume on a piano was one of the great advances achieved even by Bartolomeo Cristofori. The author of the interactive doodle today, Leon Hong, highlights precisely this feat and allows visitors of the Google homepage increase and decrease the volume of the music played by the Italian.

“This idea was suggested by team Google in Italy. I was impressed because I had never heard of it and its impact on music. We always try to find educational, fun and surprising topics, then Cristofori was the ideal, “said Leon Hong.

Music you can hear the doodle is Joy of Man’s Desiring by Johann Sebastian Bach. Was chosen by Leon Hong, the doodle creator of opinion, fit perfectly in the animation

More than three centuries after the birth of Bartolomeo Cristofori there are two types of modern acoustic piano -. The tail and the vertical -., automatic, the keys arranged in a sequence marked the roll and the digital

The Italian was born in Padua on 4 May 1655. He worked as a musician in Florence in 1690, after have been invited by Prince Ferdinand de Medici, but never stopped making pianos.

See all other doodles here.

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