Apple announced on Tuesday (19) an update to the MacBook Pro 15-inch with Retina screen more powerful, faster graphics and flash storage memory, but the big news is given to the trackpad with Touch Force technology , the company, which simulates the feeling of using it even without actually moving it and also allows more sensitivity in touch hour. The technology was implemented initially in Apple Watch.
The new trackpad Force Touch brings all the features of multi-touch and also force sensors that detect small differences in applied pressure. With this you become more connected to the content and has more features in your fingertips. Also new in the MacBook Pro trackpad is a tactile response. So you not only see what is happening on screen, but also feel.
According to Apple, the new MacBook comes to market with longer battery life, which can be a big draw for those looking for a notebook for work. However, what can not be there that attractive (especially for markets such as Brazil) is its price: the new MacBook Pro sells for R $ 13,999 (or US $ 1,999 US) in its basic configuration. The shipping time for this model is 2-3 weeks
“basic configuration” means:. Intel Core processor (quad-core) to 2.2GHz, 16GB of RAM and internal storage of 256GB Flash, which Apple claims to be faster.
In the second configuration, which is basically more robust, MacBook Pro sells for R $ 16,999 and features Intel Core processor (quad-core) 2, 5GHz, RAM 16GB and 512GB flash storage. Apple ensures the sending of this model in a period of 3-4 weeks.
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