By Luiz Gonzaga Bertelli *
The development of technology is an irreversible process and exists to facilitate the direction of modern life. How to think of a better world without medical advances without the discoveries of science, without advances in telecommunications? The technological revolution of the 21st century, related to the production of chips, nanotechnology and robotics, the company brought the wonders of the digital world, built into laptops, smatphones, tablets and other devices that make the head of generations Y and Z. Despite technological knowledge already available, education is still walking at a slow pace to absorb the possible benefits of high technology. There are few schools, especially the public network, using computers or interactive whiteboards to enhance the quality of teaching.
Because of this, it is not surprising that there is still a lot of prejudice against education courses distance learning (DL). Despite the evident growth in demand, many companies are wary of curricula of graduate applicants this way, especially in more technical courses such as engineering. According to experts, the rejection occurs in both large companies as the smaller. Have careers in management, especially in the area of administration, the courses are more accepted because they are not laboratories or field work necessary.
The DL takes students outside the major centers of the same quality of education they have the inhabitants of the metropolis. There is also the misconception that the courses are less demanding. Students who enroll thinking that you may have difficulty completing the course, which, in most cases, requires organization and discipline.
The CIEE, an organization with 50 years of experience in the integration of young people into the market work proposes the stage as an adequate way of working the practice of distance education students in companies and government agencies, allowing him to experience the chosen career and supplement their theoretical training. Also offers a range of free courses in distance education to facilitate the action of the trainees in selection processes and the performance of practical training available in the portal Education can not fight technology, but need to enjoy what she brings benefits for teaching and learning.
* Luiz Gonzaga Bertelli is CEO of the Center for Company-School (CIEE ), the Paulista Academy of History (APH) and director Fiesp.
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