The federal government extended the term of the tax benefits granted to the empowerment of the information technology industry. In some cases, the benefits continue to stand until 2029 The new rules are present in Law No. 13,023, enacted by President Dilma Rousseff and published in the Official Gazette on Tuesday (12).
In early June, the House of Representatives had approved the bill extending the effects of the Informatics Law for over 10 years, extending the tax benefits until 2029 The measure benefits mainly poles computer installed in São Paulo, Paraná, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Bahia and Pernambuco, which will continue to have the rebates Industrialized Product Tax (IPI) for their products, a kind of compensation for incentives to companies located in Zona Franca de Manaus.
The granting of the tax offset by Law Informatics is conditioned on investment of at least 5% of gross sales in research and development in information technology activities in the domestic market. Today these companies have a discount of 80% on the IPI, cut that, in terms of design just voted, shall be 75% in 2026 and 70% by the end of the rule of law. Now, the proposal goes to the Senate.
The call IT Law was enacted in 1991 to ensure that companies in the industry do not migrate to the Free Zone of Manaus, where production for the country has IPI zero. The validity of the law of computing was scheduled to end in 2019, but, according to parliamentarians, entrepreneurs in the IT sector claimed that the term was insufficient to plan future investments.
The approval of the extension of the Act computer was part of an agreement to ensure the extension, for 50 years, the Free Zone of Manaus. Representatives of the States where the poles are installed conditioned computer support for the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC) of the Free Zone to the approval of the Informatics Law.
With the new rule published today, for example, was established that “for computer goods and automation produced in the Midwest and in the regions of influence of the Superintendency for Development of Amazonia (Sudam) and Northeast Development Superintendency (Sudene), the benefit of IPI reduction will be 95 % of the tax due from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2024, 90% of the tax due January 1, 2025 until December 31, 2026, and 85% from 1 January 2027 until 31 December 2029, when it will be extinguished. “
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