There are solutions for any business profile who wants to invest in technology
A major trend in all branches of business is the approach with the client. Companies that have a good communication with consumers can keep them satisfied and increase loyalty, and technology can be a good tool to achieve this goal.
Companies that go hand in hand with technology can take advantage of several benefits of this relationship. Currently, most people own a smartphone and use them to perform many different tasks, such as making purchases, researching prices and search for services. Companies should be prepared to deal with clients that are connected most of the time and require quickly and efficiently.
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Frank Van Veenendaal, executive vice president of Salesforce, the company that provides Customer Relationship Management (CRM) services to other businesses, believes that technology should be the primary basis of any investment company.
- The internet and technology are increasingly linked with the business world. People are more connected, as well as customers with companies and the products themselves within a company.
Focus on technology is the most efficient way for entrepreneurs able to invest in both clients, as the employees themselves. When developing a service or product that is integrated with other existing within the company, you can provide a more consolidated and less likely to make mistakes and confusions care.
- I only be able to give my client if I want to understand your needs and make predictions for the near future, anticipating needs that will arise in the coming months. This is possible to be done with technology on our side.
Both small companies and large companies can enjoy the benefits of technological resources. One startup, for example, can be closer to their customers, meet demand and build a clientele if they use technology as an ally in communication.
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This is the case of Control Motors, a company with less than two years of market that facilitates the sale of cars already used by companies. The founding partner Roberto Bottura account they wanted to unify the startup processor on a single platform, and sought solutions to this.
‘We were looking for new technologies that could solve our problem. We decided to invest in CRM, even being a small company. The results were excellent.
But small businesses should be aware: not all types of technology will work with businesses that are still in the process of consolidation in the market. Planning and concern for the usefulness of this action is necessary.
- We design the project we wanted to, according to our need. Thus, we hired a service that would best fit in our pocket and be fully tapped by Control Motors.
Therefore, technology can be the best friend of any kind of business: either a small, family business, as a large company. Frank, Salesforce finally recommends that the technological resources go hand in hand with customers and employees.
- When we deliver a product, it is not because we think it is a good idea, but because our consumers think it is a good idea. It’s this kind of thinking that an entrepreneur needs to have.
* Collaborated Isabella Santoro, intern R7
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