rationalization efforts of the use of information and communications technologies (ICT) in public administration are beginning to bear fruit. The state has achieved savings of 131 million euros, said the government in connection with the launch of the new portal www.tic.gov.pt.
This amount includes direct from 53.9 million euros in savings technology acquisitions and 77.3 million of indirect savings (which resulted from the use of technology). These savings are referenced to 2011, the year in which the state will have spent € 350 million in ICT.
Indirect savings not ICT concern when, for example, in health care allow you to optimize patient transport ambulances and reduce fraud levels, or when state agencies use video conferencing systems and reduce the number of civil servants travel.
Keystone Strategic Global Plan of Rationalization and Cost Reduction with ICT (PGETIC), the new space on the Internet is replaced available to the public the detailed figures and leading indicators acquisitions and savings in the area ICT of different ministries.
The PGETIC was announced in 2012 and will be implemented by 2016. It assessed so far 3,800 projects and gave the green light to acquisitions amounting to 620 million euros. But also chumbou an undetermined number of acquisitions that were not aligned with the strategic objectives. The PGETIC was revised in 2014 and went on to focus mainly on four areas: data centers, cloud, software and free software.
The savings also result from the merger of IT departments in each ministry, consolidation of data centers, communications reviewing contracts or renegotiate software contracts.
In this last area, the action of different ministries have gone through the renegotiation of contracts with key suppliers of public administration (Microsoft, Oracle and SAP), whose licensing expenses in the last three years reaching values between 17 million and 45 million euros. According to a source from the Government, it was only possible to renegotiate contracts with Microsoft, but the savings achieved already reach 9 million.
In the area of communications, it became compulsory new contracts with operators spending to include VOIP technology (Voice over IP) so that all calls between phones within the state agencies start to be made over the Internet, thus have no cost. With this technological change, the state managed to save 30 million euros in communications.
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