Saturday, April 11, 2015

Google Laboratory develops technology for battery –

 Google X, the mysterious laboratory of innovation Google , is developing new technologies for long life batteries that equip for their upcoming products in the hardware .


 According to the Wall Street Journal, a team of four people working on the project since 2012, led by Ramesh Bhardwaj, a former employee of Apple specialist batteries.


 In recent years, Google began to develop products for sectors such as transport, health and wellness, robotics, communications, and need more efficient batteries.


 In an interview in 2013, President Larry Page said the battery life for mobile devices is a “big issue” with “real potential to invent new and better experiences.”


 The newspaper said Bhardwaj had said the technology industry executives that Google has at least 20 projects that need batteries, as the autonomous car and the Google Glass .


 Google X team was trying to make advances in the technology of lithium-ion batteries, the conventional model, and create new technologies, thinner, flexible and wearable.


Topics: Google , Business , Information Technology , American companies , Technology companies , Internet companies , Google Glass , Larry Page , Personalities , Business


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