By 2017, all rooms will be able to enjoy a smart metering technology that will enable significant energy savings. The device you want, automatically and at a low cost, “interact with counts of the largest suppliers of electricity systems, water and gas, maximizing all associated fees and bringing benefits to the end consumer,” said INESC TEC (INESC Technology and Science) in a statement, advancing the cost of this technology will be 100 euros.
This project, called Anyplace (Adaptable Platform for Active Service Exchange) is part of a European consortium of energy under the H2020 program where INESC TEC (INESC Technology and Science) is a leader.
“At present, we have at home different counters that are the responsibility of the energy distributors, offering us several water rates, gas and electricity. The solution will be developed is, at heart, an energy manager able to integrate the information from all these counters, show them to users and allow them to choose the most economic profile, “explains John parts Lopes, director of INESC TEC and responsible for the project.
In addition to offering a more attractive solution in terms of cost / benefit to the end consumer, integrating remote sensing of various energy resources, Anyplace platform will allow actively manage and control power grids, helping to mitigate operational problems related to variability in energy production from renewable sources: “Suppose a certain time of the day there is a surplus in wind energy production which decreases the cost of energy. The platform anyplace receive price information in real time and in accordance with the usage profile, acts on home devices to take advantage of this rate, “exemplifies the director of INESC TEC.
Another advantage the platform is that it is modular and can be adapted to any room, regardless of existing technologies
There are seven partners in this project three different nationalities, Portuguese, German and Austrian:. the Vienna University of Technology (Austria), the University of Applied Sciences Ostwestfalen-Lippe (Germany), the JRC – European Commission Joint Research Centre, EFACEC Energy – Machinery and Electric Equipment SA (Portugal), the Power Plus Comunications AG (Germany), BOSCH Thermotechnology SA (Portugal) and the Kreis der Lippe Landrat (Germany).
The project has an investment of 2.97 million euros, funded in 2.44 million euros by the European Commission.
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