Friday, February 27, 2015

Petition gathers signatures against the order of Technology Department in … –

A petition on the Internet is collecting signatures against the extinction of the State Secretariat for Science, Technology and Innovation Amazon (Secti-AM). Until the evening of Friday (27), more than 270 people have supported the movement. The action started after the governor of Amazonas, José Melo (PROS), announce that you want to incorporate the folder to the State Secretariat for Economic Planning and Development (SEPLAN). For researchers and parliamentarians, the measure could undermine the science and technology policies in the state.

The signing of the petition happens in the movement’s website. As text published on the site since the end of last year, internal meetings preparing the secretariat for a possible extinction. “Among the actions taken is the preparation of project reports still running and pending the Secti” says snippet of text.

The movement’s leaders also drafted an open letter to the governor. The document, available on the internet, cites rumors of extinctions of state departments of Environment and Sustainable Development (SDS) and the Secretary of State for Indigenous Peoples (Seind).

“We must Sr . Governor recommend possible reforms preserve the pages
history that have been written in these policies and there are more than thirty years have been patiently written by the people of the Amazon, scientists, indigenous communities and environmentalists, workers and employers, “says excerpt the letter.

The online petition arose from the partnership between Pentop of Brazil, headquartered in Amazonas, and the “Here IT”, a Technology Company info of. “We believe that the Secretariat has a very important role in the formation and development of the Amazonian professionals. We also believe that we should give ear to public opinion before making such a serious decision,” said the director of IT Here, Raoni Andrade.

For the director of Pentop of Brazil, Secti lose autonomy, if tranforme in a department of SEPLAN. “In the position against because it is a legitimate way to, as a citizen, to say that we believe that the best way would be not that. It’s not a protest of my business. It is a movement of people linked to incubators and research institutions. It is a called the government’s reflection on what he has built to maintain and strengthen the rule of the innovation system. It may be that the government has thought to improve, but, in our view, the improvement of maintaining the already built .

The incorporation of Secti the Planning Secretariat is provided for in the Bill (PL) Administrative Reform, prepared by the Government of Amazonas to the management that began this year. The document, sent to the Legislative Assembly of Amazonas (Aleam) on Thursday (26) for consideration of Members, provides that the Secretary of Mining, Geodiversity and Water Resources (SEMGRH) should also turn into department the SEPLAN.

To take effect, the proposal still needs approval of the majority of state legislators. The document will be forwarded to the technical committees of the House and will be placed on the agenda for three days.

In assessing the state deputy Jose Ricardo (PT-AM), the various tasks of SEPLAN can put the actions developed by Secti in the background. “By the time you leave you have a registry, which is a legal and political umbrella to seek partnerships and resources to this area, there are more difficult to invest in science and technology. It will not be a priority. Finish influencing the project development we need here for the Amazon “he said.

Established in 2783 by the Law of 31 January 2003, Secti has the mission “Formulate and manage the state policy of science, technology and innovation (ST & amp; I).” A major goal of the registry is to articulate strategies for research of local institutions promote economic and social development of the Amazon.

The department is part of the National Public System of Science, Technology and Innovation. The folder coordinates the Public State System of Science, Technology and Innovation, formed by the Amazonas State University (UEA), Center of Technological Education of Amazonas
(CETAM) and the Foundation for the Amazonas State Research (Fapeam ).

Currently, Fapeam is the main implementing agency of science and technology policies implemented by Secti. Under the supervision of the secretariat, the Foundation provides financial assistance to researchers affiliated with institutions in Amazonas.

Asked by G1 , the government of Amazonas said that as the administrative reform project, The Secti will no longer have its own structure and will be incorporated into the new Secretary of State for Planning, Economic Development, Science and Technology. The policy of Science and Technology, and its executing agency, which is Fapeam remain. “The improvement of science and technology policy, after the approval of the Bill, it will be done under Government through SEPLAN and will be performed by Fapeam, subject to investments that were already being made in the sector,” the Agency informed of the State of Amazonas Communication (Agecom), in a statement. “About a possible manifest, the Government shall act only when you receive it,” said Agecom in relation to the online petition against the extinction of Secti.

On Tuesday (03) morning, the ALE-AM’s headquarters, the Human Rights Commission and the Commission of Participative Legislation should hold a public hearing to discuss the matter.


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