Monday, October 13, 2014

Mobile technology can be the key to containing Ebola in Africa – Pplware

“contact tracing” became a familiar term, as that the world learns more about the Ebola crisis and how to contain this virus still without a cure.

It was through this method, the contact tracing, the authorities managed to reach the Liberian, Thomas Eric Duncan and hence managed to inform him that he and his team had been exposed to the Ebola virus, which somehow came into contact with him. Duncan died in a hospital in Dallas, Texas, on October 8.

This means that there is an urgency to use the technology to reach people without coming into direct contact with them … mobile technology can be the key to contain Ebola in Africa.


The infectious disease specialist Dr. Joel Selanikio says that time is of the essence in getting communication for people in crisis and the crisis of Ebola.

Collection of mobile data

The company Dr. Joel Selanikio, MAGPI, uses a mobile data collection system and a messaging tool that streamlines vital information for people in Africa and other parts of the software world, in crisis situations.

“What MAGPI does is recognize that in the context of global health, for example, during this outbreak of Ebola, there is a lot of information that needs to be collected,” Selanikio said.

“I’m sure that at this point, listeners and viewers have heard of contact tracing, something I think very few Americans knew before the event in Dallas. The only thing that should have happened in Dallas in addition to treating the poor man with Ebola, (referring to Thomas Eric Duncan, who passed away), was tracking everyone who may have come into contact with it, “explained the expert in infectious diseases.

This expert further explained that by tracking these people, the CDC developed a database that collects information and the rich history of each people detailing everything that might be useful, but should also have the functionality to monitor some changes that may occur over time.

“And, unfortunately, in most cases, and I’m sure that in almost all cases, in West Africa, currently, these activities the same type of contacts and even other types of data collections are made on paper, “said Selanikio.

” Now you can imagine with the unbelievable time of the current situation we have with Ebola, spending three days to write all this information in a computer is not enough. “

Response to Ebola and mobile phones

So, a response that could result passes the use of mobile phones. The collection of data is much faster, the spread of information more expeditiously and contagion can be quickly caught.

In terms of use, according Selanikio, the entire population of West Africa, has a cell phone and probably there are cities with 100% using a mobile phone. Inside, there’s probably a rate of 40 or 50% of mobile phone use, but all have way to have access to one, the expert explained.

So the key to containing Ebola may actually be in use of mobile devices, track contacts, quickly disseminate information and propagate data rather than take eons to collect, compile writing in databases on the computers. The speed of contagion requires fast and efficient methods, is where technology can make a difference.

Via Voice of Africa

The disease first appeared in 1976 in Sudan and Congo today, a village near the Ebola River, hence its name.

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