Friday, October 10, 2014

Event »National Week of Science and Technology starts on … – Diário de Pernambuco (Signature)

With the theme “Science and Technology for Social Development”, the 11th edition of the National Week of Science and Technology, science communication event will be presented in the city of São Paulo. Opening on the 13th of this month at 9 am in the Garden of Colonel Lundgren, the Center, the program will continue until October 19, three poles distributed around the city.

The event held by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation happens in all Brazilian states and involves educational institutions and student volunteers. In Pernambuco 577 activities supported by 25 participating institutions in 28 cities will be held and is organized by the Space Science. In the Metropolitan Region of Recife, one of the city that receives this edition of the fair is the municipality of Paulista, which concentrates more than fifty poles that will address different ways this year’s theme.

It is estimated that about 2000 people participate in free educational activities, including the Knowledge Triathlon, Chess Cangaço, Olympiad of Mathematics, Software Factory, Caravan of Astronomy, in addition to educational games and exposure academics and social work. The activities will be divided between the poles located in the Department of Education, the beach and the College Janga Fernando Ferrari.

For the first time the municipality receives the event and according to Hall, this “is a moment to invest in the theme as a way of inclusion and development. ” The coordinator of the Municipal Science and Technology Week, Ricardo Arantes also remember that Paulista received the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pernambuco (OPSI), whose first classes begin classes this October. “We aim to make the city a major technological hub, highlighting the ongoing projects, such as OPSI,” said Arantes.


Secretariat Municipal Education Paulista

Activity: Exposure Project
1. Projects; triathlon knowledge;
2. Chess highwaymen;
3. Educational games;
4. Students at the University;
5. . Olympiad mathematics

Faculty Joaquim Nabuco

1. Software factory;
2. Exhibition of academic work;
3. . Exposure of social work

College Fernando Ferrari

1. Exhibition of scientific papers
2. Exposure of the Millennium Development Goals (ODM- UNESCO)
3. Mobile caravan Science (College Fernando Ferrari).

National Week of Science and Technology


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