Saturday, January 3, 2015

Technology promises to speed fiber optic devices … – Digital Look

The growing number of smartphones and the consequent demand for mobile data puts tremendous pressure on existing networks and their capabilities. To accommodate the demand growing daily, one hour or 4G / LTE will be more than enough – and looks that capacity is already much higher than 3G. One step forward, looking at the future of mobile broadband, a new technology promises to revolutionize telecommunications and bring stability and fiber optic speed for mobile devices; ! ever wondered

The technology was named “pcell”; abbreviation for “personal cell”. The news was announced by a US company created by a famous inventor in Silicon Valley: Steve Perlman. For those who never heard of, he became famous in the world of technology after selling its TV business on the web to Microsoft for half a billion dollars. Perlman was also one of the leading scientists of Apple and helped create the QuickTime technology that brought the video to the Macintosh.

He chatted with us, straight from his laboratory in San Francisco. And at the outset recalled that currently the towers of cellular networks create a cover cell around you; all people who connect that region share the ability of that cell, and when a lot of people gathers around, signal quality drops significantly and some people are even unable to use your smartphone. In fact, we recently explained this in an article on our 3G precarious

The new technology promises full speed regardless of the number of users near each other.; according to Steve, it would be the solution to network congestion and also areas of existing shadows today. In pcell technology, a complex algorithm produces a single coverage area with a centimeter in diameter for each cell phone, allowing the user to access the full capacity of the network instead of dividing it. This bubble of a single signal follows the user wherever he goes without losing quality.

It is also interesting that the “pcell” technology for the first time, working with the interference at his Please contradicting years of science and mathematics. Different towers of mobile networks, which operate independent of each other so there is not any interference that may harm the signal quality in pcell interference is used to combine the radio waves and form even stronger waves. The phenomenon can be compared to the act of dropping two stones in a pond; each creates circular waves that spread by water and, at certain points, these waves combine to create a wave even stronger.

To get an idea of ​​the experience that we had with the new technology, imagine that you were alone in your city, in the center of the coverage area of ​​the main mobile network tower. So you reach the maximum speed available in that cell. But as we are never alone, we always share this ability.

In a presentation at Columbia University, Perlman demonstrated the streaming broadcast simultaneously 4K videos in eight iPhones using the mobile network pcell. According to the inventor, with the new technology we can watch a lot of video and transmit high definition without any locking and where we are; and to make thing even dream of smartphones. According to him, with the pcell, the idea is to think of the mobile broadband as we think of the current Wi-Fi.

Despite the hype, the technology is still a bit far from becoming reality . The company has major challenges ahead. After demonstrating the operation of the pcell outside controlled environments, Steve’s team will have to convince mobile operators that its technology is worth the billions of dollars that would be needed to build new radio base stations and a massive infrastructure of computing cloud.

On the other hand, Steve says that the installation of each radio “pWave” costs a tenth of the value of the installation of a cellular tower. More than that, he said, you can even use the same antenna infrastructure to put radios. So complete, operators could even charge less for an infinitely superior service. Plus, for the same coverage area, fewer antennas are needed “pWave” than traditional

Steve also says that is excited about the demand for news about the pcell.. He told us that half of the large operators worldwide – including some Brazilian companies – have sought them talk and to start negotiating. According to the inventor of the new technology, there are even countries that floated the idea of ​​skipping the LTE / 4G and direct evolve their 3G networks to pcell.

Another very interesting feature of the technology is pcell she is very friendly and fully compatible with the 4G / LTE. In addition to providing better quality of service, it would work with existing devices. Steve says the pcell verticalized mobile broadband and beyond 4G, is ready to work with any other technology that may arise

Well, you should be there wondering.: will I be alive to see it all?

The definitive tests are planned for later this year in San Francisco and … suddenly, may be available for commercial use already in 2015. A hope and both for those who still suffers from bottlenecks and choking 3G … and even for those who already browsing on 4G.


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