Monday, January 5, 2015

Technology and unemployment – publico





                         1. It is heartbreaking to see how the current paradigm can fool so many people. So is not that a ruling political class that says it is committed to combating unemployment is as political as increase the civil service working hours from 35 to 40 hours and end up with some holid ays, namely, cover some possible jobs? It is obvious that such measures reveals a pure policy of accountants, that has nothing to do with employment or unemployment, since the accounts are set capital, there is no other, but people do not count as ‘production costs’, ie as inputs so to speak mechanized, instruments, machines.

2. Now, think of it this line we can see a different logic of political possibilities, one can see for example that large companies switching to hands administrators who propose reform them proceed to the dismissal of thousands of workers without this appears to affect the inner workings production and the associated bureaucracy, on the contrary. Is that this is only possible because new electronic technologies replace muscle energy and / or brain of those who are made redundant . There were the ones who caused the great wave of unemployment that was generating the last three decades as production numbers rose sharply and increased the profits of large companies, new and some old who adapted?

3. But do not just consider the recent history to face in a certain way this question, we must think of it in the light of Western history: why are the other great civilizations of China, India, Islam, did not come as far as our ancestors arrived and only recently opened to the inheritance to just receive the technology? The question has interested historians of various skills that I know of but never take into account the factor that caused the difference, 25 centuries ago, the invention of the definition by Socrates to Aristotle mainly applied to various knowledge of his time, generating the logic that has possible Euclidean geometry 20 years later; he instituted the gnosiological text arguments about essences that the schools of philosophy were passing and the medieval universities received to transmit in turn – printed schools and books – Galileo, Newton and his contemporaries, who considered themselves philosophers who used geometry. There was the legenda ry history of European scientists, with a manufacturer of instruments for their laboratories, James Watt, finally managed to invent a device that distinguished a steam power source of water and the possibility of connecting to machines of different jobs: machine that electricity and oil improved strongly after had an obvious result replace the muscle work increasingly varied productions , multiply employment opportunities and come to ease the harshness of the work. Starting with huge time and appalling conditions of internal ecology in factories and mines, the history of the reduction of working hours and the improvement of their conditions is one of the noble parts of the twentieth century, along with the scientific and technological development.

4. That’s what electronic technology came finalize, forcing further reduction of working hours , which the economic and political thought only resulted in rising unemployment, making scourge which is historically better life promise to all (since the higher profits today are companies with few people, there would perhaps think that a tax on electronic machinery enterprises with coefficients according to exempt jobs). Here come the philosopher ceases to be competent to continue, although attentive to the minority current that proposes to decrease to save us but knowing the great difficulty that puts you globalization. But what is clearly said is that the history of thought that was raised is their great heroes the ancestors of all human (Enlightenment ) and not just the ‘poor in spirit’ who think only of numbers to grow accounts, which are the complete denial of the great intellectual passions and often spiritual they do, along with the saints and artists, the admirable range of humans worth for us, guide us upward and forward. Makes you want to cry to think that great to know that modernity made possible emptied itself into the social environment that caused this economic storm that Madoff is the symbol of greed.

5. Urgent, urgent, is established by European laws that require capital to comply with the democratic elections of various EU nations, such as those that are coming in Greece, Spain and Portugal.




Sunday, January 4, 2015

See bets for 2015 in technology, economics, film and 6 other … –

2015 is already among us. To get an idea of ​​what this year will present to us, the G1 spoke with nine areas of specialists in technology, economics, film, music, environment, astronomy, infectious diseases, cancer and science in Brazil. There are good prospects in relation to health and others not so much in the economy.

We must increasingly use the phone in the “internet of things” and we can end the year 2015 with a promise that the global warming will be slowed. Now is hope happen the best of all.

Smart devices

will start to enter the
home consumer silently “

After the internet connecting people from all over the world, is now the turn of the machines” talk “to each other. A technology that should take off in 2015 is the “internet of things”, which already allows control appliances by phone and connect your smartphone to your car, for example.

“The smart appliances will begin to enter the house of the consumer silently, “says Ronaldo Lemos, professor of Uerj and researcher at MIT Media Lab.

Also in 2015 begins the future that will allow people to leave the wallet at home and leave only with the cell. A strong trend for the year are mobile payments, where the users using smartphone to pay bills and shop until the bar account.

The experts also point that, in 2015, Brazil should advance in the use of broadband and quality of cellular coverage, thus reducing their disadvantage in relation to other countries. The year must also be marked by the regulation of network neutrality, provided for in the internet Civil Marco

Read the full review

Photo:.. Reuters / Brendan McDermid

It will be a year to ‘tread water’ “

The uncertainties surround the economic environment of 2015. Driving the new policy for the area will be crucial in determining the balance of the country, analysts agree.

“It will be a year to ‘step aside’. The government will have less capacity to invest and, not investing, companies will postpone their investments, which represent the minimum necessary to stay competitive and profitable, “the economist and partner at Orama Investments, Álvaro Flag.

Economists predict a high in maximum of 1% of GDP (gross domestic product, the sum of all wealth produced in the country).

Gesner Oliveira, the Go Associates, projects an inflation of 6.3% in 2015, with the . realignment “especially in urban transport tariffs and energy, and yet uncertain effects of devaluation of the real”

Read the full review

Photo:. AP

The movies will not be that easy Comedy TV transported to the cinema “

comedies dominate the Brazilian cinema for some time (since 2011, the champion and the vice at the box office are genre films), and the prevalence should remain in 2015. The novelty will be the gradual emergence of another style of humor says Paulo Sérgio Almeida, director of the portal Film B, specializing in cinema. If this variation is well accepted, turns trend.

“The new generation of comedians who will arrive in the cinema has been experimenting on the Internet and has a base in stand up. The movies will not be that easy Comedy TV transported to the film, “says Almeida. In general, the mood will continue at the top.

“Get ready for it to continue in the next five years. It is a weapon against the American cinema, and not only in Brazil. It happens in Argentina, Spain, France and Italy. “

In your list of” promises “2015, Almeida list” Superpai “(” a very interesting comedy, with Rafinha Bastos and Danton Mello ” ); “All’s well that ends well”, by José Eduardo Belmonte; and “A man alone” (“a very original promise of humor from what I read the script, and Ingrid Guimarães and Mariana Ximenes”)

Photo:. Scene “Superpai” (Courtesy)

The next year will be Funk teasing “

Funk ostentation, one of the biggest musical phenomena of recent years, is a thing of the past, says producer and director Renato Barreiros.

“The next year will be Funk teasing,” he says. He accompanies the scene São Paulo, headed in late 2012 the documentary “Funk ostentation” and now launches “Flow” on the street balls. The stakes are these amateur parties, packed by funkers making humorous lyrics about sex, as the MCs Livinho , Pedrinho and Toy, and incorporating horror characters like MC bin Laden.

“The reality of funk display time changed. It was a time of strong economic well-being, and it went to the music. Today people do not think they will buy a Camaro. The crowd’re broke, and instead of going to a nightclub dance, ends up going to the street, with the car stereo and drink purchased in the market, in what is called flow or pancadão “he explains.” The cry today is teasing Funk. ‘. Let’s talk about sex, let’s do the dance of the Roman small step, which is totally unstructured’, “adds

Photo:. Disclosure

You will need now is to make this mandatory ‘payment’ [meeting environmental goals "

The expectation of getting a new agreement against climate change is large in 2015. There will be attempting a global pact to halt the increase in global temperature of 2 ° C by the end of this century.

The mobilization around this topic will happen at the UN conference on Climate Change, COP 21, from 30 November to 11 December in Paris.

To Tasso Azevedo, who developed a parallel system to the federal government to estimate emissions of greenhouse gases in the country organized by the Climate Observatory Network, the chance of that commitment out is great. Practical in 2015, he says, there should be disclosure of the promises of countries ranging from the decrease in production polluting the containment of forest clearing.

"It's like filling out a form for approval to buy a property. They will propose how much they can pay and how long. . What is needed now is to make it mandatory that 'payment', what should happen with the approval of the agreement "

Photo: AP

Never a probe was sent to a distant target as"

According to the physicist and researcher of stellar astrophysics Gustavo Rojas, of the Federal University São Carlos (UFSCar), the main phenomenon that people can observe the sky in 2015 will be the eclipse of the moon, visible across the country on the night of September 27th to the early hours of the 28th.

As for space exploration, there are two missions that are being awaited with enough anticipation. One is the nature of the American New Horizons, which will reach Pluto in July 14. "Never a probe was sent to such a distant target," says Rojas. A few months earlier, in April, another American probe, called Dawn, must reach the dwarf planet Ceres. "It will be an interesting opportunity to have, at the same time, two ships studying the same type of object:. Dwarf planets"

Photo: AP

The results are already showing "

For the oncologist Cotait Fernando Maluf, Cancer Center Ermírio Antonio de Morais, the great novelty being treated for cancer in the coming year is immunotherapy area.

"The results are already showing. It has two drugs, anti-PD1 and anti-PDL1, which inhibit the mechanism that the tumor exerts .. to paralyze the defense cells attack other words, they allow the guard to reach the bandit They have answers in various tumors that have been refractory to treatment lines - melanoma, kidney, lung and bladder - and will probably do part of the standard treatment of advanced tumors soon. "

Another important area that should be developed, according to Maluf, is getting more and more accurate diagnoses for patients who have been operated and have no more tumor visible. Often, a woman with breast cancer that has taken the breast receives chemotherapy postoperatively to increase your chances of cure. More accurate tests will know which patients really need this therapy

Photo:. AP

move forward in research towards a vaccine and drugs [against dengue]”

To the doctor Eric Arruda, president of the Brazilian Society of Infectious Diseases (SBI) in 2015 will be closer to an effective vaccine against dengue. “Similarly, we tend to control the outbreak of infection by Ebola and move forward in research towards a vaccine and drugs, yet we do not have available the next 12 months.”

He points out that there is a provision of a chikungunya outbreak simultaneously to the national problem of dengue, which will contribute to a large overhead of the health system, especially in the context of emergencies, already overcrowded. According Arruda, the super-resistant bacteria must continue to be a problem in nosocomial infections and should increase the mortality of ICU patients. As positive outlook, he cites the possibility to access the SUS to the most modern treatment for hepatitis C

Photo:. Reuters

will be stimulated research on the applications of light”

The researcher Helena B. Nader, president of the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC) provides that the main theme of Brazilian science in 2015 will be light. “For UNESCO, 2015 will be the International Year of Light and Brazilian scientific societies will promote many events for the subject.” will be stimulated research on the applications of light in medicine, nature, in the production of electricity and technologies such as smartphones.

Helena worrying think the issue of financing of science for 2015. “There was a decrease of resources for the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI) and the Ministry of Education (MEC). We understand that we must tighten our belts, but not in science, technology, innovation and education, which are investments. This worries me “

Photo:. AFP

* Additional reporting by Cauê Muraro, Eduardo Carvalho, Giovana Sanchez, Helton Simões Gomes, Mariana Lenharo, Marina Franco, Rodrigo Ortega and Taís Laporta


Saturday, January 3, 2015

Technology promises to speed fiber optic devices … – Digital Look

The growing number of smartphones and the consequent demand for mobile data puts tremendous pressure on existing networks and their capabilities. To accommodate the demand growing daily, one hour or 4G / LTE will be more than enough – and looks that capacity is already much higher than 3G. One step forward, looking at the future of mobile broadband, a new technology promises to revolutionize telecommunications and bring stability and fiber optic speed for mobile devices; ! ever wondered

The technology was named “pcell”; abbreviation for “personal cell”. The news was announced by a US company created by a famous inventor in Silicon Valley: Steve Perlman. For those who never heard of, he became famous in the world of technology after selling its TV business on the web to Microsoft for half a billion dollars. Perlman was also one of the leading scientists of Apple and helped create the QuickTime technology that brought the video to the Macintosh.

He chatted with us, straight from his laboratory in San Francisco. And at the outset recalled that currently the towers of cellular networks create a cover cell around you; all people who connect that region share the ability of that cell, and when a lot of people gathers around, signal quality drops significantly and some people are even unable to use your smartphone. In fact, we recently explained this in an article on our 3G precarious

The new technology promises full speed regardless of the number of users near each other.; according to Steve, it would be the solution to network congestion and also areas of existing shadows today. In pcell technology, a complex algorithm produces a single coverage area with a centimeter in diameter for each cell phone, allowing the user to access the full capacity of the network instead of dividing it. This bubble of a single signal follows the user wherever he goes without losing quality.

It is also interesting that the “pcell” technology for the first time, working with the interference at his Please contradicting years of science and mathematics. Different towers of mobile networks, which operate independent of each other so there is not any interference that may harm the signal quality in pcell interference is used to combine the radio waves and form even stronger waves. The phenomenon can be compared to the act of dropping two stones in a pond; each creates circular waves that spread by water and, at certain points, these waves combine to create a wave even stronger.

To get an idea of ​​the experience that we had with the new technology, imagine that you were alone in your city, in the center of the coverage area of ​​the main mobile network tower. So you reach the maximum speed available in that cell. But as we are never alone, we always share this ability.

In a presentation at Columbia University, Perlman demonstrated the streaming broadcast simultaneously 4K videos in eight iPhones using the mobile network pcell. According to the inventor, with the new technology we can watch a lot of video and transmit high definition without any locking and where we are; and to make thing even dream of smartphones. According to him, with the pcell, the idea is to think of the mobile broadband as we think of the current Wi-Fi.

Despite the hype, the technology is still a bit far from becoming reality . The company has major challenges ahead. After demonstrating the operation of the pcell outside controlled environments, Steve’s team will have to convince mobile operators that its technology is worth the billions of dollars that would be needed to build new radio base stations and a massive infrastructure of computing cloud.

On the other hand, Steve says that the installation of each radio “pWave” costs a tenth of the value of the installation of a cellular tower. More than that, he said, you can even use the same antenna infrastructure to put radios. So complete, operators could even charge less for an infinitely superior service. Plus, for the same coverage area, fewer antennas are needed “pWave” than traditional

Steve also says that is excited about the demand for news about the pcell.. He told us that half of the large operators worldwide – including some Brazilian companies – have sought them talk and to start negotiating. According to the inventor of the new technology, there are even countries that floated the idea of ​​skipping the LTE / 4G and direct evolve their 3G networks to pcell.

Another very interesting feature of the technology is pcell she is very friendly and fully compatible with the 4G / LTE. In addition to providing better quality of service, it would work with existing devices. Steve says the pcell verticalized mobile broadband and beyond 4G, is ready to work with any other technology that may arise

Well, you should be there wondering.: will I be alive to see it all?

The definitive tests are planned for later this year in San Francisco and … suddenly, may be available for commercial use already in 2015. A hope and both for those who still suffers from bottlenecks and choking 3G … and even for those who already browsing on 4G.


New technologies. The most anticipated gadgets for 2015 – iOnline

This is a market that continues to surprise and, it seems, 2015 will be no exception. New smartphones to mini-projectors, one new list will love, or not, the most attentive consumer market. The eyes are at CES 2015 in Las Vegas

Apple Watch is one of the most anticipated gadgets in 2015. Apple will provide three different models: Apple Watch, Apple and Apple Watch Sport Watch Edition, with prices starting from 289 euros. Will be on sale, the company said, “early 2015″ (early 2015). Some of the possibilities are the various dials: Chronograph, Color, Modular, Utility, Mickey Mouse, Simple, Motion, Solar Astronomy. The clock allows, besides the traditional functions alarm, lunar phase, timer, calendar, weather, physical activity, world clock, send and receive messages, calls and emails. Navigation, notifications, Siri technology, Wi-Fi and GPS, “Apple pay” and applications are some of the proposals of a clock that should have a battery life of about 24 hours.

New Galaxy There are those who ensure that the new Samsung Galaxy S6 will be presented in one of the world’s most important technology fairs – CES (Consumer Electronics Show ) in 2015 – which begins next day 6 in Las Vegas, USA. The Korean brand has not released the specifications of the new smartphone, but the specialized press forward, among other information, the Samsung S6 comes with the ability to recharge through the wireless network. The unit must include, in addition to access to 2G, 3G and 4G LTE, technology A-GPS – Assisted GPS that allows a more precise location. The battery should have greater autonomy, are available 4 GB of internal memory and technology “organic LED”. Security may involve the use of the retina and fingerprint. The price should be around 620 euros.

screens that fold One of the technologies expected in 2015 are the folding screens, on which Samsung will be working. Analysts in the market indicate that this year, the company will launch a screen for high resolution called AMOLED. Also according to those responsible, Samsung plans to introduce folding monitors on their next generation products.


HD and external hard drives: technology moves towards the end? –

From the first personal computer, even in the 1980s, hard drives, which we call HD, are responsible for data storage. But technology advances and today, SSDs are an option for those who want a computer with great performance.

How to increase the life of your external hard drive? Check out our tips

The same logic applies to the external hard drives. Over time, flash drives, which are nothing more than portable SSDs, gain more power and may end up fighting for space with conventional hard drives.

These two technologies coexist in the market for some years . Hitherto, SSDs have not been able to make impracticable drives. But technology continues to evolve and the prospect of more attractive prices can change that.

Among the reasons for magnetic hard drives have not been retired, are the two technologies prices and some limitations present in SSDs that make this still restricted and distant settlement of the use of many reality.

What is hard?

hard drives are devices made up of an electronic board that houses the drivers, who are responsible for operation of the device, and the hard disk itself: one, or more, covered discs of a layer of magnetic material, responsible for keep the recorded and available data for writing

Advantages:. the technology of recording information magnetically is very old, which means that there is a very widespread dominion over it everywhere (is the principle of the old cassette tapes). This also means that the cost of the materials involved is low, which ensures the most competitive prices on the market and the development of capacity hard drives with capacities up to 4TB. Another HD advantage is that if he does not suffer damage, you can erase and write data for decades

Disadvantages:. There are two major problems when it comes to hard drives. First, they are not as fast, at least when it comes to very demanding uses in terms of processing. The second problem is that they are not reliable: a simple bump can disable an HD, something quite common with external hard drives and laptops. These two limitations have their origin in engineering behind the HD: it depends on the motor and moving parts which wear out and are subject to physical problems, in most cases, irretrievable. Another point of disadvantage is the high energy consumption and high heat dissipation when operating in intensity.

What is an SSD?

SSD is an acronym of the English, for solid state disk. In general, the SSD is like a big stick: he keeps files on silicon chips, as well as an SD card or USB stick common. This makes a high-speed SSD drive and greater reliability. The problem here is the cost

Advantages:. The fact that there is no moving parts inside an SSD makes them more reliable. There are reports cards and USB sticks, which were submerged in the ocean, be legible even after the sea water action. Another advantage of SSD is that it offers much higher speeds than HD: while the magnetic hard disk needs a motor to rotate and a read head that reads and writes to disk, SSD offers almost immediate data, as the information is recorded electronically into chips. Compared to common HD, the SSD consumes less energy and does not heat up much, which allows the performance curve does not suffer concussions due to the heat dissipation

Disadvantages:. Produce a chip is an absurdly complex process. The technology needed for this is dominated by a few companies in the world and this is indicative of what is the major drawback of SSDs today: the price. In comparison, an HD 1TB can be purchased for $ 200. A SSD of the same capacity for $ 1500. A current disadvantage of SSD technology is called persistence of data. With prolonged use, at some point, SSD will retain data in the memory sectors that can not be erased.

hard drives will be replaced?

Technologies override each other and the future for hard drives will only be darker when the prices of SSDs fall. Until then, the so-called cost per GB is still unbeatable for most users, who need discs to store data. Seagate, for example, has just announced an HD 8 TB for $ 260 (£ 678, in direct conversion). Eight 1TB SSDs would cost much more than 10 times that amount.

At the same time, Samsung brings to market the new Evo 850, which makes use of 3D chip technology. Samsung is so confident in the new technology that sells the device with five-year warranty. The question, as always, is the price:. Pro version, with 10 year warranty, costs $ 650 (R $ 1,691 in direct conversion)

How to recover data from a External Hard Drives damaged? Get tips on TechTudo Forum

But that does not mean that SSDs are the best possible solution. The technology continues to progress and new research around data storage solutions, soon, can change everything.

There are promising lines of research for the development of holographic storage media. IBM recently released information on the development of a type of memory called the Racetrack, using the guidance of small magnets to hold information and have the ability to overcome at 100 times the storage power of hard drives without the use of parts mechanical and guaranteed to be used indefinitely.


How technology can help fight crime? –

Dane Avanzi, Special to the Daily Morning

The Public Security is one of the issues of concern to the Brazilians, considering that we have comparable rates of murders to countries at war . Experts from various fields indicated that the main causes of the difficult situation we live in, many different reasons for the increase in crime, among them the lack of investment in education, the Brazilian judicial structure in which there are two policemen with little synergy within state (civil and military), among others. Although all the above views are consistent, add to them, that we change to positively reality, we need a lot of investment. Yes, investment in materials and training of police. I think historically invested little in the sector and this fact enabled the consolidation and expansion of organized crime across the country.
In Minas Gerais, for example, according to IBGE data, violence and accidents were the major causes of deaths among young people and adolescents in the state in 2013. The IBGE survey also reveals that the highest percentage of men of deaths occur in groups of 15 to 24 years, especially for violent and accidental causes.
This and other data support the thesis that the Brazilian State and to invest little, when it does, spends bad, and due to the poor quality of investment – it can not come good fruit – the result is generally low or insignificant. With respect to public safety, for example, high crime rates are directly related to the lack of strategy and wits to fight crime.
Just to illustrate the point, it is worth mentioning that in the episode of the attack of the Boston Marathon the police, thanks to a closed-circuit camera of high street stores, could in a few hours to identify and arrest those responsible for the attack, which the detonation of the bomb used the mobile phone network. As a reminder, both here and there, criminals use the very best in technology. The difference is that there the state also has the best featur es and here, our police force in general has nothing or when there is scrapped or dead. As expected a satisfactory result in a state that the police live favor to eat or supply a car?
Such a response to crime in record time was only possible thanks to technological resources and trained police officers who had as allies technology and intelligence. In this case, the evil can not be mitigated given that there were casualties and many wounded, but the identification and arrest of the criminals are per se incisive responses of society against terrorism in the case. Most subliminal message of all is that the state protects citizens and punishes those who act against the law. The feeling that there is justice, discourages crime, while the sense of coercive impotence, encourages impunity. – In my view, more perverse symptom of what happens in Brazil
this context, when it comes to strategy and intelligence, and technical and trained and qualified professionals, th e state needs appropriate technological tools to fight crime. Today many of them could be helping the police solve and even prevent the commission of crimes. The range of technology is great, with emphasis big data software, which relate to social networking activity to facts and evidence of criminal activity, video cameras (fixed, mobile and portable) use of drones (which approval by Anatel and ANAC, are pending in Brazil).
excess State bureaucracy is one of the factors that delay the country, so no one doubt, but when it takes on the likes of regulation technology, unlike other niche markets, the bureaucracy multiplies, there are rare cases in addition to licenses and approvals from various bodies of the Union, the same equipment to be used also need licenses and State permits and sometimes even municipal. Does a case of relevant public interest for Brazilian society, given the chaos we live in, the constituted authorities could not create licensing mechanisms and si mplified approval for the Armed Forces? I think so. In fact, not only could, as they should and must do so.

(Dane Avanzi is a lawyer, managing director of the Institute
Avanzi and director of Átimo Solutions)


Friday, January 2, 2015

“Technology is the backdrop for fulfillment of the prophecies” – Gospel +

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Shepherd says that

In a recent interview to the program “In Mission”, the UpT channel, in partnership Ultimatum to the magazine, the pastor Marcelo Caldas, expert technology in missions, spoke about the importance of the use of technological tools by the churches, and stated that “technology is a backdrop for the fulfillment of the prophecies.”

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In the conversation with the presenter Paul Castle, Caldas, which has already entrepreneur in the technology sector, said the technology is essential for the Gospel reaches all the people and stressed that the traditional Church is delayed as the use of technology in communication

-. The Church still do not understand postmodernity – said the religious, noting that to avoid using and unnecessary waste, we must always ask, “What is the purpose of using the technology at that time”

The pastor says that technology should be used by the church as a tool to enhance their communication gospel, and points out that in biblical times it was already a focus of the apostles and prophets

-. The Bible itself is a communication tool. Since Adam and Eve, and when God inspired Moses to write the Pentateuch, God clearly tells Moses that he let in recorded history for everyone to know the saga of Israel – said the pastor

-. The communication, from Genesis to Revelation, is something primary. It is something that should be considered by all of us -. Full


Five of the most anticipated technological releases for 2015 –

The Apple Watch can give impetus to market products ‘wearable’

What new technologies will dominate the stage at this year beginning?

The BBC highlights and analyzes five bets for 2015:

1. Apple Watch

After months of speculation, Apple finally presented in September 2014, its smart wristwatch model.

Apple promised new to the early 2015, but did not give specific dates.

In addition to showing the time, the clock sends messages, provides location and make payments via wireless connection. Will also use apps and should work together with the iPhone 5 or later models

Perhaps one of the most innovative factors in relation to previous smart watches is their aesthetic:. Has different sizes and colors

<. p> Some analysts predict that the success of Apple Watch is confirmed, it can give impetus to the industry of “wearables” (technology “wear”, literally).

2. Windows 10

In September, Microsoft announced details of its new operating system, Windows 10.

To ease the most criticized aspects of Windows 8, the company said that will recover some features of previous versions, such as the “start” button for fast access to computer functions.

Windows 10 retrieves features from previous versions that have left us longing users

The new operating system to hit the market in early September 2015.

3. Oculus Rift, version for consumers

Thirty years after the dawn of virtual reality technology to experience it seems to be finally coming closer to consumers.

This industry has as its main focus the Rift glasses, whose version to the general public should be ready during 2015.

“This is months, not years away,” he said in November the executive director of Oculus Rift, Brendan Iribe.

The gadget promises to realize the dream of bringing the virtual reality of science fiction to the living room of game fans. Both the prototype as the version for developers aroused great enthusiasm.

Glasses can bring virtual reality into the living rooms

The glasses have been observed curiously the industry since its first prototype, 2012, until version “Crystal Cove” and most rounded, presented at the Consumer Electronics Show event in 2014.

In March this year, Facebook announced the acquisition of Oculus by about $ 2 billion – a bet by a not so distant future in which virtual and augmented reality could be part of our everyday life

4.. Google Glass, version for consumers

Much has been said about Google Glass. However, to date, it does not hit the market as a fully finished product.

His Explorer Edition version went on sale in May 2014, as a product for developers, available in the US and the United States for about $ 1500.

Now, the industry waits for the next model, Google Glass 2, according to The Wall Street Journal (WSJ).

This new generation of intelligent glasses is expected for 2015, but we do not know the exact date.

It is believed that the new model is already a consumer-oriented version with a much lower price and with appeal . to a wider sector of the market

The WSJ reported that the new Google Glass uses a microchip Intel that analysts can increase the length of your battery. – one of the items criticized in Explorer version

5. Mobile OnePlus Two

OnePlus caused buzz to create functional and low-cost mobile

The device, the first and only model being marketed by start-up OnePlus caused buzz in 2014, when he was appointed as one of the revelations of the year.

The OnePlus is headquartered in Shenzhen, a giant technological center boiling in China.

And after the success of OnePlus One, the company confirmed the launch of OnePlus Two in 2015, which should hit the shelves between April and September

The current model can give clues as to how would the Two version:. is an attractive mobile phone and functional, the competitive price of $ 299 US for a 16 gig memory model.

It was designed to compete with models of great weight, like the Samsung Galaxy S5, the HTC One M8 and Google Nexus 5.

The OnePlus uses the operating system CyanogenMod, open source system for phones and tablets based on Android.

But the OnePlus One is not yet available in Latin America. The company says it is expanding and increasing the number of countries where you want to sell what is, for now, their only phone.


Thursday, January 1, 2015

Five of the most anticipated technological releases in 2015 – iG Technology


What new technologies will dominate the stage at this year starting

The BBC highlights and analyzes five bets for 2015:

1 . Apple Watch

AFP / BBC Brazil

The Apple Watch can give impetus to the market products wearable

After months of speculation, Apple finally presented in September 2014, its smart wristwatch model.

Apple promised new to the start of 2015, but did not give specific dates.

In addition to showing the time, the clock sends messages, provides location and make payments via wireless connection. Will also use apps and should work together with the iPhone 5 or later models

Perhaps one of the most innovative factors in relation to previous smart watches is their aesthetic:. Has different sizes and colors

<. p> Some analysts predict that the success of Apple Watch is confirmed, it can give impetus to the industry of “wearables” (technology “wear”, literally).

2. Windows 10


Windows 10 recover characteristics of earlier that left us longing users

In September, Microsoft announced details of its new operating system, Windows 10.

To mitigate the most criticized aspects of Windows 8, the company said it will recover some features of previous versions, such as the “start” button for fast access to computer functions.

The new OS should arrive the market in early September 2015.

3. Oculus Rift, version for consumers

Thirty years after the dawn of virtual reality technology to experience it seems to be finally coming closer to consumers.

This industry has as its main focus the Rift glasses, whose version to the general public should be ready during 2015.

“This is months, not years away,” he said in November the executive director of Oculus Rift, Brendan Iribe.

The gadget promises to realize the dream of bringing the virtual reality of science fiction to the living room of game fans. Both the prototype as the version for developers aroused great enthusiasm.

The glasses have been observed with curiosity by the industry since its first prototype, 2012, until version “Crystal Cove” and more well finished, presented at the Consumer Electronics Show event in 2014.

In March this year, Facebook announced the acquisition of Oculus by about $ 2 billion – a bet for a future not . as far as the virtual and augmented reality could be part of our everyday life


Glasses can bring virtual reality into the living rooms

4. Google Glass, version for consumers

Much has been said about Google Glass. However, to date, it does not hit the market as a fully finished product.

His Explorer Edition version went on sale in May 2014, as a product for developers, available in the US and the United States for about $ 1500.

Now, the industry waits for the next model, Google Glass 2, according to the jornalThe Wall Street Journal (WSJ).

This new generation of intelligent glasses is expected for 2015, but we do not know the exact date.

It is believed that the new model is already a consumer-oriented version with a much lower price and with the appeal . a broader sector of the market

The WSJ reported that the new Google Glass uses a microchip Intel that analysts can increase the length of your battery. – one of the items criticized in Explorer version


OnePlus caused buzz to create functional mobile and low cost

5. Mobile OnePlus Two

The device, the first and only model being marketed by start-up OnePlus caused buzz in 2014, when he was appointed as one of the revelations of the year.

The OnePlus is headquartered in Shenzhen, a giant technological center boiling in China.

And after the success of OnePlus One, the company confirmed the release of OnePlus Two in 2015, which should hit the shelves between April and September

The current model can give clues as to how would the Two version:. is an attractive and functional cell, the competitive price $ 299 US for a 16 gig memory model.

It was designed to compete with models of great weight, like the Samsung Galaxy S5, the HTC One M8 and Google Nexus 5.

The OnePlus uses the operating system CyanogenMod, open source system for phones and tablets based on Android.

But the OnePlus One is not yet available in Latin America. The company says it is expanding and increasing the number of countries where you want to sell what is, for now, their only phone.


Leicester coach asks introduction of technology –

Nigel Pearson Team gave two penalties to Liverpool

The coach of Leicester City, Nigel Pearson, called for the introduction of technology after the draw 2 to 2 with Liverpool. To the commander, the use of video could help judges decide capital bids, as the two penalties assigned to the Reds early this year.

Even with the Foxes looking for a point after the adverse score 2-0, the visiting team complained much of the penalty marked by an alleged ring hand Wes Morgan. Television pictures accused after the ball got in his face.

“I’m proud of how my players handled the disappointment the first time. I think you know what I mean. I would like, going forward, the judges had the benefit of technology.” the coach said at a news.

“This would help to lighten the indecision, would not create difference on the field and would be beneficial to all involved in the game.”

“As a coach, we are under pressure to get results and it would be beneficial if we allowed the judges have all the tools to make all the right decisions in the game “



Remind technology products ‘died in 2014′ and … –

The year 2014 is already going away, but it will not unattended. During the period, various services, companies and the world of technology products have been discontinued and no longer exist in the daily lives of many netizens. If you are one of nostalgic users, get your scarf and check ten ‘tech products “that ceased to exist in 2014:. Orkut to MSN, through the Facebook Poke

Retrospective 2014: the most read stories of the year in TechTudo

– Orkut

There were also requests and mobilization of Brazilian Internet users to avoid the end Orkut, but it did not work: the site was closed on 30 September. The social network most used by Brazilians in the late 2000s did not resist the Facebook and was surpassed in 2011, with its number of users reduced from 40 million to just six million in recent years. Faced with such fall, Google has decided to discontinue the social network. Currently, Orkut has become a large file communities, but nothing compares the feeling of receiving a new statement, scrap or know who visited their profile yesterday. Remember some unique functions of the social network.

– iPod Classic

What Apple’s players line no longer had the same wind as before, many people already knew. However, in 2014 reserved an unpleasant news for fans of the device: the end of the iPod Classic. The software responsible for revolutionizing music in the 2000s, was retired discreetly after the announcement of the iPhone 6 in September. Although the CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, criticizes the lack of parts suppliers as a reason for the termination of production, it is clear that low demand was what motivated Apple to close the sales model. Nevertheless, it is still possible to find three iPod variants on the shelves: Shuffle, Nano and Touch. None of them, with many gigabytes.

He loves the iPod Classic? . Prepare the pocket: classic version of the iPod is sold for $ 90,000 on site

– MSN Messenger

Although it was closed in Brazil in April 2013, MSN Messenger also was entitled to his last “sighs” in some countries, such as China. However, the popular Microsoft’s instant messaging service could not resist in 2014 and was completely shut down after 15 years, giving rise to Skype. During its peak, Windows Live Messenger, as it was also known, came to have over 300 million users worldwide, but lost ground to Facebook Messenger, Google Hangouts and other messengers to smartphones like WhatsApp own.

– Windows XP

Another Microsoft product that said goodbye in 2014 was the good old Windows XP. One of the most popular versions of the operating system, the platform had its support ended on 8 April this year, after about 13 years of its launch. The success of Windows XP was so great that even today the system remains the second most used edition of Windows on everyone, even with Microsoft’s effort to popularize version 8.1.

– Nokia X

The Nokia X was born a line of appliances and closed in 2014, one of the most bizarre recent stories in the world of smartphones. Launched in February at MWC 2014, the gadgets were the first Finnish manufacturer using an Android-based system. The line got to gain a new version, called X2, but that was canceled in July to make room for Windows Phone. Thus, the anticipated Nokia smarts with Android only had months to live

-. Flappy Bird

Flappy Bird was a real phenomenon, but that came to an end as fast as his rise. The game, which consists of a bird pass between pipes, peaked in early February and drew attention for its degree of difficulty. However, weeks after the resounding success, the developer of the game decided to remove it from the App Store and Google Play, generating a series of speculations. Nevertheless, several alternative versions and copies were released for Android, iOS and Windows Phone

-. Clip Art

Clip Art is certainly a case of love and hate in the lives of older computer users. Very popular among the 80s and early 2000s, they tried to generic images included in Office suite of programs and were widely used in PowerPoint presentations or Word documents. However, the appeal was losing ground to images sought on services like Google, leading Microsoft to announce its replacement by a Bing mechanism for rights free images.

How to prevent the Tinder profile is viewed by a user? See the TechTudo Forum.

– Facebook pokes

Facebook has several specialized apps for each service, such as Messenger, Groups, etc. . However, 2014 marked an end of an unsuccessful attempt of the social network: the nudges. Also known as Facebook Poke, the app allowed interact more simply with friends to nudge you in a strange way to say “Hello”. However, the app launched in 2012 has not taken off and was retired from the network. Currently, poke function is still available in the desktop version of Facebook, but it is not widely used. The Camera, another app social network that was born around the same time, went along. Without leaving longing. Did you ever use any of them

– was a popular streaming site videos over the last decade, being a pioneer in real-time streaming video on the Internet. During the time he was in the air, the service was controversial target, as the case of an American 19 year old who committed suicide while broadcasting to the site. On the platform, it was possible not only to watch the content recorded live by the user’s webcam, as well as interact with it as long as the Internet users have a registered account. The was closed in August 2014, when the company that administered decided to focus its other service:. The Twitch, streaming gaming platform, later purchased by Google

– Xbox Entertainment Studios

Announced in 2012, the Xbox Entertainment Studios would be a Microsoft arm responsible for creating original content such as series and other television programs the company’s products. Among the expected productions, was a television series based on the Halo game, popular on Xbox. However, the plans were dashed in July, during the company’s restructuring announced by the executive director, Satya Nadella.

* collaborated Raquel Freire
